Dear Canyon Springs Church Family,

We have an important update to share with you regarding the leadership of our church. After much prayer and reflection, our Lead Pastor, Chad Richards, and his wife, Megan, have made the heartfelt decision to relocate to Tennessee. As a result, Chad is stepping down from his role as lead pastor on June 1st as they embark on this new chapter in their lives.

We are grateful for Pastor Chad’s faithful leadership and his investment in our church family.  From his beginnings as our Youth Pastor to his role as Lead Pastor, Chad has guided us through transitions including passing the torch from our founding pastor, settling us into our church home and preparing our hearts and minds with God’s vision to now welcome people back to the church God gave our community. His dedication and heart for our church have left a lasting impact, and we thank both Chad and Megan for the love and service they have poured into Canyon Springs for over ten years.

The Elder Board, in partnership with our Evangelical Covenant Denomination, is prayerfully seeking God’s direction as we begin the process of finding our next Lead Pastor. We have faith that God is preparing the right individual to step into this role and continue the mission of our church to bring people to Jesus.  Canyon Springs was built for and by our community, not just one person. We are confident in our purpose here in San Diego, and our commitment to our programs will remain strong through this transition. We trust that God’s work at Canyon Springs will continue, guiding us forward.

To keep our congregation informed and engaged, we invite you to a Congregational Town Hall on Sunday, March 16 at our regular service time. This gathering will include a time of worship, a brief message, and an opportunity to hear from Superintendent Brian Murphy from our denomination.  We will share more about our transition plan, answer questions and receive your valuable input as we move forward together.

We invite you to join us in prayer to our gracious God, trusting in the creator of all things, and congregational unity through Jesus Christ, as we move into this new season.  Let us seek God’s wisdom as we step forward in faith with confident hope and trust in God’s perfect plan for the future of Canyon Springs Church.

If you want to connect or have any questions, please email us at

With gratitude and faith,

Canyon Springs Elder Board 

Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of His return is drawing near.    Hebrews 10:24-25