We DID it! We crossed the finish line and we had a fantastic time with your kids and we finished strong. Our little surfer groms stayed focused on their job for the week (which of course was to have fun) but also to learn that God’s Truth Never Changes.

We took some amazing pictures this week, check them all out on our Flickr account HERE!!


VBS Mission Project:

A HUGE highlight of the week was watching the kids raise money for our friends in Mexico. This week we teamed up with Vision de Dios, in Tijuana, Mexico to help provide funds for children for school. We heard about kids having lemonade stands, raiding their piggy banks, doing extra chores around the house, and even calling grandparents to raise money. At the end of the week, I was SHOCKED that our kids raised $2,900! What a blessing! 

Last Day of FUN:

We finished the week strong with some really fun activities in our various events:

  • CRAFT– Our little groms made sun catchers and had the opportunity to decorate a frame and take home a picture as a keepsake!
  • REC– Relay races and lots of beach ball activities, not to mention all the fun that kids had ‘pie-ing” their leaders.
  • MUSIC–We got to review ALL the fun songs that we’ve done this week. Then, all the kids circled up and got to share individually what their favorite part of VBS is. It’s great to hear how different parts of VBS resonate with different kids.
  • STORY–Our story today was about speaking truth in LOVE! Paul used to persecute Christians. Then he learned that Jesus is God’s Son and began sharing the gospel as he traveled. Paul visited a town named Ephesus, where many people became believers. Later Paul wrote a letter to the church at Ephesus reminding them to show God’s love to others whether they agreed with them or not. Paul challenged the people to grow in their relationships with Jesus and to know God’s truth.

VBS Sunday is Sunday, June 16th!

Don’t forget VBS Sunday at 9:30am! Have your kiddos wear their colored shirts to have more fun with their fellow campers. We’ll watch the full recap video, do fun VBS crafts, hang with other campers. PLUS, we will have DUFFS DOGZ coming to celebrate our Dads 🙂

What’s Next?

Once school starts, we have mid-week programs that your kids would love!

  • AWANA is for kindergarten through 3rd graders and meets on Wednesday night at the Cove. Sign up now for a special VBS discount… Register HERE.
  • Club 45 is for 4th & 5th graders and meets on Monday nights at the Cove. It is $20 for the program to cover snack costs. Register HERE

VBS 2025 – Super Duper Early Bird Discount!

We enjoyed every minute with your kids this week. If your child had fun this year, they will NOT want to miss VBS next year! (June 16-20, 2025). SIGN UP NOW FOR A SUPER DUPER EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT! Register HERE.

Enjoy the rest of your summer – we’ll see you on Sunday!

Your Lifeguards,
Lesley & Jodie