CSC Missions - Outreach (1600x400)The mission of Canyon Springs is, “It’s about the one.” We won’t find peace and purpose until we are in a relationship with the One, Jesus Christ. When we get in that relationship with the One, our job isn’t done. It’s about reaching the next one. That next one might be in your family, your neighborhood, or your office. That next one might also be across the world.

We meet in a middle school but we have built buildings all over the world. To this point we have built:

  • Two schools, a church, two dorm rooms, and a playground in Haiti.
  • A school and a church in Uganda.
  • We’ve put a roof on a church in Mexico.
  • And more . . .

We are located in the suburbs but we’ve reached the next one on the streets and in the inner city.

If you are ready to make an impact on our world we have several opportunities, some only a few minutes away from home and some across the globe. Canyon Springs would like to help you find your purpose. Take a moment to see what God is doing through Canyon Springs in the world and if you find something that captures your heart, jump in. Find a trip to join or an event to attend on our missions calendar. If you don’t know where to start, send an email to one of our global ministry leads and they will help get you started.

You can make a difference in the world. It all starts with one.

Upcoming Outreach Events

Below are upcoming events related to this ministry. These and other events from other ministries can also be found on our main events calendar. Click on each event title to learn more.

Outreach Blog Posts & Stories

These are recent blog posts and stories from our main blog that are related to our Missions Ministries.

International Missions

Featured Banner - International Missions
Our Missions Ministry at Canyon Springs Church offers something for everyone. We have experienced God’s hands, in and through all of our mission trips, as we traveled to Haiti, Uganda, Mexico, Dominican Republic and Belize.

If international missions is something you would like to experience, we have several opportunities for you.

Visit our Missions Page for more information and details.

Urban Life

Featured Banner - Urban Life
Urbanlife exists right here in City Heights / Southeast San Diego to see transformed people transform their neighborhoods through Christian community development initiatives and vibrant missional communities that love God, neighbor, and ‘hood. These are some ways to get involved

  • Urban Life LogoYou can help tutor high school students at Orange Ave (City Heights) or Refugee tutoring at Ibarra Elementary.
  • Come work alongside the farm crews.
  • Sign-up for a weekly CSA bag.
  • Get involved with the City Heights Runners.
  • Help provide dinner for a weekly youth program.

To learn more about Urban Life, visit their website. If you feel called to help partner with them, contact Craig and Erin Brown at for more information.

Mexico Missions: Rio Al Mar Ministries

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Half day mission trips to poor-poor family neighborhood areas of Tijuana. Our Mexico ministry reaches out to Tijuana and the surrounding areas throughout the year.

  • We provide monthly women’s bible studies, a first for women’s ministry in Mexico.
  • Deliver food, clothing and household supplies to Pastors, families and orphans in need.
  • Be a part of a Summer VBS Mexico… Saturday vacation bible school in July.
  • Join construction teams to help build, reroof and repair churches. No experience necessary.

If you would like to be the hands and feet of Jesus down in Mexico contact Dan Williams at for more information.

Feeding the One: Homeless Ministry

Featured Banner - Homeless Ministry
Homelessness is a growing and chronic concern in San Diego. While we cannot necessarily prevent or even slow down its growing numbers, we can be the help God promised! This ministry began with a vision of “Over a thousand served.” The number of homeless meals served has reached over 8,000! Here’s how you can become involved.

  • You can shadow Randy and Rhonda on one of their weekly trips
  • You can begin making the trip with your family once a week to bring sandwiches, pizzas, snacks, and during the winter season give out socks or blankets.

Our hope is that people will see how easy it is to show God’s Love and do this on their own on a consistent basis or as their heart demands.

If you need any advice, guidance, encouragement to “Feed the One” or you would like to shadow Randy and Rhonda on one of their weekly trips send us an email at It’s easy, it’s important, and it is a blessing to them and you!

Homeless Outreach Pictures

What does a blessing bag outreach look like? This . . .

North County Outreach

Featured Banner - North County Outreach
This ministry reaches out to an elementary school in downtown Escondido. Although it’s only 10 miles from the church, it’s a world apart. Many students only meals are at school, and they show up with holes in their shoes and clothes that don’t fit. This ministry works to:

  • Feed families over the weekends and holiday breaks
  • Meet students at the public library to read to them over the breaks from school
  • Donate sporting goods to the school PE department so students can participate in after-school sports.
  • Provided shoes, clothes, books and Christmas gifts to students in need.

Want to get involved now? We’re always collecting donations for:

  • Canned foods (beans, chicken, fruit and veggies)
  • Healthy snack foods (bars, crackers, etc.)
  • New kid’s shoes (velcro for smaller sizes, 11-1)
  • New sweatshirts and jackets
  • New Jeans and/or leggings

If you would like to participate email Emily Cook at

CareHouse Kids: Young Adult Guidance

This ministry provides guidance to young adults who could use some help. The targets of this outreach effort are kids in the 18-25 age range, many of whom have grown up in shelters or in otherwise difficult family situations, but who have graduated from High School and are now becoming independent, responsible citizens. They are doing OK fending for themselves, but would benefit from some direction and help in any or all of the following areas:

  • Emotional Support — many are surviving now on their own, but still live in challenging circumstances, and would love to have a friend and counselor to talk with and help them think through their circumstances and options
  • Spiritual Guidance — many are Christians, or at least have had a lot of Christian influence from CareHouse Life Ministries during their younger years
  • Professional Coaching — some would like assistance with developing their resume’s, preparing for interviews, developing skills, and coming up with a career plan

This is a new program, which will be further refined and developed as we go. The format for interaction will be totally up to each individual, but may involve simply a phone call every week or two … or e-mails … or an occasional lunch or dinner. The only real qualifications are a heart to serve and the willingness to listen and help. If you would like to learn more about CareHouse programs for homeless and at-risk kids, please visit

If you are interested in hearing more, or if you have ideas for how to shape this ministry, please contact Paul Portrey at

Human Trafficking Rescue

A new study by the University of San Diego and Point Loma Nazarene University in 2015 revealed that the dark and secret world of sex trafficking in San Diego is the second largest underground economy locally after drugs. According to researchers, in San Diego, sex trafficking is an estimated $810 million-a-year industry and it is run mostly by gangs. Canyon Springs Church members and the Women’s Ministry have been involved in helping out in a variety of ways over the years.

  • A food drive for The Alabaster Jar Project’s North County Resource Center, providing food, toiletries and clothing for survivors of the life.
  • Collections of items for backpacks handed out, by first responders from Project Life, to women identified by law enforcement as victims.
  • Women’s Ministry event with a presentation from a Project Life case worker and then hand making cards of encouragement and love for use with their clients.
  • Attending monthly Churches against Trafficking meetings for education and to find ways other churches are being part of the solution.
    Volunteering for the Alabaster Jar Project.
  • Working with Generate Hope who tend to survivors of sex trafficking.
  • Working with Alabaster Jar Project who help surviving women experience spiritual, physical, mental and emotional healing.
  • Attending events during Human Trafficking Awareness Month in January.

If you are interested to know how you can be involved contact us at