Women of Canyon Springs

Women encouraging women near and far to develop a deeper relationship with Jesus by providing Bible-centered teaching, prayer, and opportunities for Godly friendships.

Women need women but mostly, we as women, need Jesus. Walking together we are stronger, wiser and well-equipped to be light to a hurting world. Women of Canyon Springs invites you to join us for a variety of God-centered activities.

Women of Canyon Springs Programs

Bible Study

“Growing in Grace” is a once per week Bible study, offered in the morning and evening, which meets September to May. You are welcome to join us at any time. We discuss how to live out the truths of the Bible in your everyday life as well as helping you on your journey to discover how much Jesus loves you! Come make new friends and enjoy not only digging into God’s word together but also once per month socials designed especially for our Growing in Grace group!

Seasonal Socials

Want to laugh, relax and connect with friends? Women of Canyon Springs has just what you need! Join us for our fun and creative seasonal socials that will always include encouragement for your daily walk with Jesus! These events are perfect for inviting a friend who needs to hear about our Savior!

Soul “Spa” Weekend (aka Women’s Retreat)

There is something special that happens when you get away from the hustle and bustle of life and just take time with your girlfriends to spend the weekend getting refreshed by God. Women of Canyon Springs offers an annual Soul “Spa” Weekend to refresh and rejuvenate your soul with lots of laughter, maybe even tears but most of all with the transforming power of Jesus Christ!

Sights & Smiles from the Women at Canyon Springs

Learn More

I look forward to meeting you! Women of Canyon Springs welcomes you into their group of loving ladies who are passionate about having fun while loving Jesus!

Julie Mountain
Women of Canyon Springs, Director

Have questions? I am happy to help! You can reach me at julie@canyonsprings.org

Women’s Ministry Contact Form

    You will be added to our general email list which we use to send out newsletters, announcements, news & events, etc. We will never sell, rent or give away your information and and you will be able to Opt-out at any time.