Missions at Canyon Springs Church offers something for everyone. According to Scripture, we are all commanded to “GO,” whether down the street, downtown, across the border, or halfway across the world. We want to provide opportunities for people to JUST GO… and be the hands and feet of Jesus.
International Opportunities
We partner with We Are Graces in their work to help families in and around Antigua, Guatemala. This hands-on experience is for those who want to see and participate in what God is doing in Guatemala. Teams spend time at Escuela Integrada, the school GRACES supports, interacting with the children through classroom visits and sports activities, home visits, meeting their families, and providing them with food and encouragement. Learn more here.
Why we go…Being a part of missions means seeing the people who are invisible. – Ava Cummins
In 2010, following a 7.0 magnitude earthquake, Canyon Springs partnered with Children’s Heritage Foundation (CHF) and sent a team to the Good Rest Home, where 60 orphaned children live. In the years since then, we have sent many teams who, under CHF, have rebuilt dormitories, bathrooms, the school and church, library and forged lifelong friendships. Although currently we are unable to travel to Haiti, we look forward to future ministry opportunities with CHF. Learn about our past Haiti experiences here.
Why we go… . being a part of missions is living out my faith; to love my neighbor. – Dave Cummins
Spend a day with us and our friends in Tijuana with our missions partner, Rio al Mar. Bring your encouragement and helping hands. Learn more about our next trip here.
Why we go… Mission trips have taken me places I otherwise would not have gone, and opened my eyes to see God and His children in new ways. – Mary Handfelt
Downtown, Down the Street, in our Neighborhoods….
All Hands Sunday
On this once-a-year Sunday, join your Canyon Springs family for a shortened worship before we all go out into our community to serve. In the coming weeks, we will begin outlining our projects (your suggestions are welcome.) Over the summer months, you will have the opportunity to learn details about all of them and choose where your family can put their gifts into action. Don’t miss this special opportunity to be Jesus to our neighbors. This event will take place in September. Stay tune for more to come!
Why we go… I go on missions to share with others what God has blessed me with. –Leo Handfelt
CSC Compassion Bin
Where? Just outside the front door of our church. Drop off items 24/7 (except during heavy rain, when the bin will be inside). Donations will be sorted and delivered to our partner ministries according to their needs. Find out what we are collecting!
- Clothing for Children, Men and Women
- Shoes, especially athletic shoes
- Blankets
World Relief
For more than 40 years, World Relief has put biblical teaching into practice by walking alongside immigrant families and individuals as they rebuild their lives here. Volunteers are needed in a wide range of areas, from meeting them at the airport to helping them enroll in social services and find employment, and preparing welcome baskets and student backpacks. Learn more about World Relief here.
Why we go… To encourage and equip members of Canyon Springs Church to be involved in missions both locally and globally. –Don Hughes
Journey House
Journey House offers transitional housing for women who have graduated from the San Diego Rescue Mission. Here in the Chollas View area of San Diego, volunteers can share life skills–like meal preparation, home-keeping, and financial planning–as well as spiritual development. Learn more here. Join our volunteer team. Email Caroline Grondin to participate!
Why we go… “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.” Isaiah 1:17 –Caroline Grondin
New Day Urban Ministries
New Day Urban Ministries began in 1968 as an outreach of Point Loma Presbyterian Church. Today it is truly ecumenical, humbly and compassionately supporting the physical and spiritual needs of clients. Besides providing clothing and food, New Day connects them with services that can enable them to train for jobs or recover from addiction. Learn more about New Day Urban Ministries here. Email Lori Hughes to see how you can serve!
Why we go… He will rescue the needy person who cries for help and the oppressed person who has no one’s help. Psalm 72:12 GW – Lori Hughes
San Diego Rescue Mission
Since 1955, the San Diego Rescue Mission has been providing meals, shelter, clothing, education and job-skills training for men, women, and single parents with children experiencing homelessness. Each night, there are over 10,000 men, women, and children without a place to call home in our city. At the San Diego Rescue Mission, our goal is to get people off the streets permanently. Their programs are designed not only to meet the immediate, tangible necessities of those who come in need, but also to address the underlying issues of the heart. Learn more about San Diego Rescue Mission here.
The White Rainbow Project
Imagine being married off at a young age to a man you have never met. You have a few children and start a happy life together. Suddenly, your husband dies in an accident or from an unexpected illness. You grieve but instead of comforting you, your family abandons you. They take your children away and blame you for his death.
Society say it’s because of your bad karma. Life as you knew it is over.
Many women carry the burden and stigma of being a widow. But White Rainbow Project is working to change that.We are dedicated to empowering destitute widows in India by giving them love, hope, job skills, counseling, food, & medical care and the gift of Jesus.
Missions Board at Canyon Springs
Late last year, Pastor Chad formed a Missions Board that has been meeting since October and praying for where God is leading Canyon Springs as we seek to advance the goodness of Jesus to San Diego and the world.
Purpose of the Missions Board
- Pray and assist the Pastor in deciding which missional opportunities to engage in and which ones we will not participate in.
- Help our church family understand what missional opportunities are available for them to engage in.
- Assist in executing missional work at Canyon Springs.
Members of the Board
- Pastor Chad Richards
- Caroline Grondin
- Don Hughes
- Lori Hughes
- Ava Cummins
- Dave Cummins
- Leo Handfelt
- Mary Handfelt
- Darlene Shadden
2024 Plans and Vision
Through prayer and intentional conversation, this is what we have planned for 2024.
- Every second Sunday of the month is Mission Sunday. Our Missions Board members will be in our lobby to share upcoming opportunities. We may highlight from the front a specific need or ministry we are working with, including domestic and international opportunities.
- Our new Compassion Bin will be in front of our church building everyday, 24/7. Drop off lightly worn clothing donations, blankets or cans of food which will be sorted and donated to the various ministries we work with. These items will benefit New Day Urban Ministry The Journey House, and other ministries with whom we build relationships.
- Once a year, we will have a dedicated “All-Hands Sunday.” On this Sunday, we will gather for songs of worship and prayer before leaving church to go out and do work in our local community.
- In a small shift that not everyone will see—instead of giving visitors a Starbucks card when they fill out a “connect card,” we will invite them to pick a ministry from our list to receive an additional $10 donation from Canyon Springs. This communicates that we value providing physical, financial, and spiritual support to those in need, whether in our community or across the world.
- We are committed to continuing our partnerships in Guatemala, Haiti, and Mexico.
This is just the beginning, and we are expectant with what God will do through this team this year!