Canyon Springs Men’s Ministry is a simple way to connect with other guys from Canyon Springs. Most men connect at home and work just fine, but for lots of us, connections with other men stopped happening after high school. Our culture challenges men to be self-made lone ranger types, but the reality is that, just like a sports team, we need each other.

We have organized meet ups and hangouts, bible studies, retreats and great ways to grow spiritually.

Men’s Small Groups

To get involved and see all that is currently happening in our mens ministry go to our Church app to explore more by clicking HERE 

I want to get involved now

Please email, one of our Men’s ministries leads, and he will help you get plugged in!

Men’s Ministry Form

    You will be added to our general email list which we use to send out newsletters, announcements, news & events, etc. We will never sell, rent or give away your information and and you will be able to Opt-out at any time.