Hello! How are you? . . . Chances are, your first encounter at Canyon Springs on a Sunday Morning was from one of our Hospitality team members. If you had a cup of Starbucks Coffee, the door opened with a warm welcome, or if you picked up some information about our Church at the Information Table, it was prepared by someone on our team…with a smile.
Our Hospitality Ministry is a huge part of what makes Canyon Springs Church feel warm and welcoming on Sunday mornings. We take a bit of time Sunday mornings to prepare our courtyard with coffee and “greet” everyone coming into our services. The majority of our time is all about meeting and greeting new and old friends. We are helping find “the next one”.
Not only is it super easy (one 45-60 min shift per month) it’s a great way to serve and get connected at Canyon Springs.
The Hospitality Team is probably the easiest (and least time consuming) way to get connected and give back at Canyon Springs.
How Does it Work?
We work in “Teams” and follow a set, recurring schedule . . . and the best part . . . only once a month (1st Sunday of Month, 2nd Sunday, etc.) On the day we serve, we put in about an hour (at most) of our time. Depending which “shift” you are on, you may arrive early to prepare coffee, or stay late to help clean up. There is also a shift “lead” who helps set up the info table and oversee things in general. We also help with some of our bigger events such as Christmas, Easter and Special Services.
Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people. ~Ephesians 6:7
Wouldn’t you love to be pictured above?
Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers. ~Hebrews 13:1-2
Have Questions, or Interested in Joining the Team?
We’d love to have you! For additional information about the Hospitality Ministry, email Blake Miller at blake@canyonsprings.org or contact us via the form below.