Children’s Ministry – Kid City

Children’s Ministry – Kid City2023-02-06T16:51:57-08:00

We are committed to pouring God’s love and truth into your kids, both on Sunday morning and throughout the week. Our team of staff, leaders, parents and volunteers offer age-appropriate programs which aim to:

  • Provide engaging, enriching and nurturing environment(s) that point children to the Lord and allow them learn and grow in the love and knowledge of God’s word.
  • Encourage and equip children to be servants of Christ in our church and our community.
  • Connect families with the purpose of deepening relationships and fostering a sense of community.
  • Our children’s program on Sunday morning is created to focus on the spiritual and educational development of children from Nursery to 5th grade.

We hope you will check out all the different events we have going on in our Children’s Ministry and let us know if you have any questions or need more information.

We look forward to meeting your kids and your family!

Lesley Hyatt
Children’s Director

Upcoming Events

Below are upcoming events related to this ministry. These and other events from other ministries can also be found on our main events calendar. Click on each event title to learn more.

Blog Posts & Stories

Below are recent blog posts and stories related to this ministry. These and other posts and stories from other ministries can be found on our main blog feed. Click on each post title to learn more.

Our Individual Children’s Programs

We offer programs both on Sunday morning and throughout the week.

Children’s Church

Our Sunday morning “Children’s Church” program provides full childcare for each service, for nursery through 5th grade. Our teachers are all screened, and children are checked in and out through our online security system, so parents may relax and enjoy the Sunday morning service.


AWANA is a mid-week children’s program for grades Kindergarten – 3rd grade. Our AWANA (Approved Workman Are Not Ashamed) program is designed to help churches and parents raise children and youth to know, love and serve Jesus Christ. This acronym comes from 2 Timothy 2:15. During AWANA we reach children for Jesus through fun and interactive games, songs, bible stories and hiding God’s word in their heart. We meet at The Cove on Wednesday nights.

Club45 (4th – 5th)

Club 45 is a program for our 4th and 5th graders that reaches beyond Sunday morning curriculum and provides a “youth group” atmosphere. There are hilarious meters, effective small group sessions and awesome leaders that make this a club that you don’t want your kids to miss! We meet at The Cove on Monday nights.

Special Needs

We know that reaching out to children with special needs is a part of continuing the work of Jesus while fulfilling the vision of our church. Our ministry focuses on providing an opportunity for everyone to attend church services, while feeling comfortable about the care their child is receiving.

Smiles from our Children’s Ministry

Contact the Children’s Ministry

Each sub-ministry noted above has a contact form if you wish to reach out to a specific one. The form below is used for general children’s ministry inquiries or issues.

    You will be added to our general email list which we use to send out newsletters, announcements, news & events, etc. We will never sell, rent or give away your information and and you will be able to Opt-out at any time.

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