Our Care Ministry is a team of people from Canyon Springs Church who serve the needs of church members and their families. We would love to come alongside you to help meet your needs, whether short-term, like the birth of a baby or surgery, or long-term, if your family is struggling with a serious illness.

This ministry focuses on easing the burdens on the patient and their families or caregivers by providing help with prayer and meals. There are many opportunities to use the gifts that God has given us to meet the needs of others. Spend some time in prayer, and take a look at this ministry to find a place where you can serve. We also want to hear from you if you and your family are in need of support.

Care Areas

We currently have teams set up to provide support in the following areas:

  • Prayer – Commit to praying specifically for you or your family members during times of need.
  • Meals – Providing meals for an individual or family in need.

You can be on one or both Care Teams, so please sign up and join a team today!

Request Care or Join a Team

"*" indicates required fields

Care Type*
Are you in need of services, or would you like to be a part of the care team?
Choose the Care Type*

More Info?

If you have any questions about requesting or serving, please get in touch with Melody Brouckaert at care@canyonsprings.org