Our A/V Tech Ministry at Canyon Springs Church arrives early on Sunday mornings to help set up and stays for tear down. This ministry has several different positions and some are even trainable/no experience needed! This is a great way to connect, serve and learn a new skill.

  • Sound board engineering and set up (some experience required)
  • Slides and visuals (no experience necessary)
  • Live stream (no experience necessary)

For additional information about our A/V Technology Ministry, email Chad Richards chad@canyonsprings.org or contact us via the form below.


For additional information about our A/V Technology Ministry, email Jonathan Schmitz at jonathan@canyonsprings.org or contact us via the form below.

A/V Tech Team Ministry Form

    You will be added to our general email list which we use to send out newsletters, announcements, news & events, etc. We will never sell, rent or give away your information and and you will be able to Opt-out at any time.