Women's Ministry Summer Bible Study 2016

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Sure there’s the beach, road trips and summer camps, but how about taking some time this summer to dig a little deeper into God’s word? Our Women’s Ministry is offering an 8-week study in the book of Ecclesiastes, that will encourage us to know God, to love Him, to follow Him and to find our identity in Him so that we might be free to enjoy all the gifts of this life!
Also included is an online opportunity to supplement your study and/or to stay connected if you miss a week or two. Want to encourage your children to be in God’s word with you? No problem, there is a corresponding children’s curriculum too.

Event Details

  • What: Ecclesiastes: Finding the True Purpose of Life
  • Who: Women of Canyon Springs AND bring a friend!
  • Where: At The Cove, or possibly a home depending upon the number of participants
  • Dates: Mondays, starting June 6, – August 8, 2016 (8-week session)
  • Time: 10:00am – 11:30am
  • Cost: $5 (for coffee supplies), plus you purchase the book online for approximately $11.00
  • How: Click HERE to register!
  • Contact: Kelly Gehlhaar at [email protected]
  • Order your book through Amazon: Click HERE
  • Childcare: We will determine childcare needs based upon sign ups.

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