Women’s Ministry – Mornings With Jesus Devotional

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Join Us For Our New Year’s Devotion

Connect with Jesus and a community of Christian women in a fun and flexible way!  We will create groups consisting of 3 to 4 women who share a weekly devotional and connect via GroupMe, a texting group chat that removes the stress and concern of an in-person meeting, while still allowing time and space to connect with women of all ages.

Devotion Groups

Each group member will read the devotional each day, whenever is most convenient for them, and text their group when they feel moved.  We suggest you check in at least once a week, though you’ll probably find it’s such a great way to connect you’ll be visiting it often!  It will be fun to share spontaneously what jumps out at you from the devotionals and to hear from everyone else in your group. You’ll have a special space to encourage each other, pray for each other, and chat about your week. The group discussions will evolve as members discover what is most important to the group.

Event Details

  • What:  Women’s Ministry Texting Devotion Group – Mornings With Jesus.
  • Dates:  January 1 – February 28, 2021 (Weekly online gatherings)
  • Cost:    Free, except for the cost of the Devotional
  • Register:  Yes! Online Here
    • Will we use our registry to work with you to form Devotion Groups of 3 to 4 women.
  • Purchase: Mornings With Jesus devotional book on Amazon (Purchase Here)
  • Time Commitment: We ask that you commit to the daily devotional and connect with your group at least once a week.
  • Download: GroupMe App
    • GroupMe brings group text messaging to every phone.
    • GroupMe can be downloaded on an iPhone or Android from the App store for free. (Directions Here for a variety of devices)
    • GroupMe is simple to use and as your devotion group is created, you will just need to use your phone number or your email address.

We will reach out to all registrants around the end of December with options for our Devotional Groups.


Contact Marty Wiler at [email protected]

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