Anti-Human Trafficking Public Awareness Seminar

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Anti-Human Trafficking Public Awareness Seminar

Please join us in this training seminar in an effort raise our awareness with the war on Human Trafficking. This is an issue in our own city!  The FBI named San Diego as one of the top 13 cities in the nation for High Intensity Child Prostitution.
We will partner with the Social Action Committee to learn the steps in *PREVENTION, *PROSECUTION, *PROTECTION, *PARTNERSHIP!
Feature speakers are Summer Stephan, Chief Deputy District Attorney for San Diego County, Bianca Morales-Egan, Technical Advisor for Human Trafficking and Gender Equity, Grace Williams, President/Executive Director, Children of the Immaculate Heart, Michelle Shoemaker, Anti-Trafficking Liaison, Churches Against Trafficking.
Let’s give a couple of hours of our time to grow our understanding of this issue and find out what role we can play to combat this ever-growing issue.
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” 
Proverbs 31:8-9 

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