Sponsor a Youth 2016

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Sponsor a Youth is our yearly fundraiser that goes directly towards supporting our amazing OASIS Youth Program.  Come to Canyon Springs on October 16th to hear all about the fundraiser!
After service, come grab a sponsorship card that represents a student from our Oasis group. Bring it home, put it on your fridge or in your bible, and commit to praying for that student for the whole year. Come and meet them at Oasis and check in with them as their sponsor/prayer partner. It is a small way to get involved in the lives of our youth at Canyon Springs. Each year we see a lot of fruit from this partnering process. 

Our goal is to get every kid in Oasis sponsored and prayed for. A suggested donation of $100 is appreciated. We know that not everyone can afford the $100 donation and that is fine, do what you can. In addition, if you’re someone that can go above and beyond that, please do. The funds raised go DIRECTLY towards our OASIS program and helps provide the necessary means to run this ministry.

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