Sponsor a Youth 2019

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Sponsor a Youth is our yearly fundraiser that goes directly towards supporting our amazing OASIS Youth Program.  Come to Canyon Springs on September 22nd to hear all about the fundraiser!

Action Steps:

  • After service, come grab a sponsorship card that represents a student from our Oasis group.
  • If it is on your heart to make a financial donation to our OASIS program –  do so!
  • A suggested donation of $100 is recommended. We know that not everyone can afford this, and that’s fine. Just donate what you can. Are you in a position to go above & beyond $100? Thank you as we appreciate your generosity!
  • Bring the card home and put it on your fridge or in your bible, and commit to praying for that student for the whole year.
  • This is one way we insure that every student in our youth program is getting prayed for. During the year, reach out to that student and check in with them!

This is a great way to partner with Oasis and the youth at Canyon Springs. Please know the funds raised go DIRECTLY towards our OASIS program and helps provide the necessary means to run this ministry. We raise half of our youth budget from this fundraiser!

Event Details:

  • Kick Off – Sponsor a Youth Campaign starts this Sunday, September 22nd.
  • Campaign Duration – September 22 through October 6, 2019
  • Financial Donations – Sponsors may pay with cash, check or credit card (square) in courtyard over the next three Sundays.
  • Direct Online Donations – If you wish to pay online directly, you can do so by clicking HERE. Choose the YOUTH MINISTRY dropdown option. Just be sure to grab a card of one of our Youth on Sunday!


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