Parenting on Purpose! Parenting Seminar for Young Families 2016

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You have a young family with at least one child 5 years old or younger. Maybe you have multiple young children which doesn’t make things easier. You probably live a bit chaotically, wondering how you’re going to make it through this month, or week or even today . . . let alone for the next 3-5 years.
Parenting of young children, toddlers and infants in today’s day and age is one of the biggest challenges you will ever face. We know because we have “been there, done that”. We have put together a series of easy-to-follow and idea-generating classes in a relaxed atmosphere* to help you and your families gain knowledgeable insight and practical tools & tips and that will help bring more stability and satisfaction to your lives.
Please join us and other “young families” on Tuesday nights in February and March for “Parenting on Purpose! Parenting Seminar for the Young Family”.

Topics / Events

This seminar STARTS on Tuesday, February 2, 2016 and occurs Weekly through Tuesday, March 22, 2016.

  1. Welcome / Intro / Social (2/2/16)
  2. How To Talk So Your Kid(s) Will Listen (2/9/16)
  3. Five Conversations You Must Have with Your Child (2/16/16)
  4. Parenting Without Perfection (2/23/16)
  5. Mid-Way Break / Night of Worship / Social (3/1/16)
  6. Parental Guidance Suggested (Parenting Panel) (3/8/16)
  7. Digital Tools & Apps for the Modern Parent (3/15/16)
  8. Final Session / Closing / Social (3/22/16)

Additional Details

  • Cost: Entire Seminar = $50 per couple, $25 Single Parent. Or, $10/$5 per class.
  • Schedule: Tuesday Evenings, 6:00pm – 8:00pm
  • Babysitting: YES! Included (We have a separate room reserved for the kiddos!!)
  • Info: Blake Miller at [email protected] or 619-840-3572

Register Online

You can register safely & securely online by clicking here.
We look forward to seeing you!

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