Parent Cafe – Your Teenager Is Not Crazy

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Parent Cafe -Your Teenagers Is Not Crazy

Has it ever felt like your kid is crazy? You can’t understand why they do, say, and decide some of the things they do. Have you ever said the words, “They are a teenager.”
Join us for our first ever PARENT CAFE. Parent Cafe’s, hosted by Oasis and Canyon Springs, our night is designed for Parents of Teenagers. We will have these twice a year to help us gather as a community to learn practical lessons from professionals in their field when it comes to raising teenagers.
We are lucky to have Dr. Minoa Chang (PHD) from Bethel Seminary coming in to help us understand the adolescent mind in a way that is incredibly applicable to parenting.

What to expect:

  • A one hour lecture with room for question and answer. Dr. Chang said, “It will not feel like a science class but it will be very practical for parents of teenagers.”
  • Your time will be well-spent with a Clinical Psychologist.

What you will learn:

  • How and why your teenager does the things he/she does.
  • How to respond/react in ways that build healthy young people.
  • A better understanding of the adolescent brain.

Event Details

  • When: April 26th, 2018  7:00 – 8:30pm
  • Where: The Cove at 9889 Hibert Street Suite A
  • Cost: FREE!
  • Who: All parents are welcome
  • Childcare: Childcare is not available.
  • Questions? Contact Chad at [email protected]
  • Registration Please RSVP to [email protected]


About our Speaker

Dr. Minoa Chang is a Clinical Psychologist in East County and a Professor at Bethel Seminary. Dr. Chang has her PHD in Psychology and has worked in the Psychological field with ages 5-50 for over 20 years. In other words, she knows her stuff and we are lucky she’s not charging us. Take advantage of this!

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