Men's Ministry ~ Serve & Surf 2016

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Calling All Men of Canyon Springs 

Mark your calendar for our “Serve & Surf” event. This is going to be a great mission/work/surf/fellowship trip!
We will travel to Mexico to partner with Dan Williams and Rio al Mar and serve with our Christian brothers at “Iglesia Vision de Dios”. Pastor Jaime lives in a building with no kitchen or bathroom. On a daily basis he eats across town with his family, uses the church bathrooms on the other side of the property and returns to sleep on site as guardian of the church. Pastor Jaime did not ask for this help; he is a humble and dedicated man of Christ.
After serving – we will surf/bodysurf at Popotla Park (beach & point break) B.C. Mexico.

Event Details

  • Dates: Friday & Saturday – September 9 & 10th, 2016
  • Time: 8:00 am (Friday) – Late afternoon Saturday
  • Meeting Spot: The Cove, 9889 Hibert St, Ste A SD 92131
  • Cost: $100
  • Register: Online by clicking here
  • Questions? Dan Williams [email protected] or Jack Hawkins [email protected]


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