Marriage Retreat 2017

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Transform Your Marriage at the 2017 Marriage Retreat

This retreat will help to transform your personal walk with the Lord and bring your marriage relationship to a new level of fulfillment and fruitfulness. You will be able to immediately incorporate scriptural truths into your marriage and see your relationship enriched in ways you thought were impossible. You will experience God’s love and refreshing grace. You will discover areas that require change, but you will find a willingness to make those changes because of a new found hope. Something amazing happens when you make a commitment to spend time away truly connecting with one another.  This retreat will feature main speakers Dr. Emerson & Sarah Eggerichs from the popular Love & Respect ministry.

Military Scholarship (aka FREE)

ACTIVE military couples get to attend for free (includes lodging). This is an awesome blessing. Please contact Matt or Melissa for more information.

SOLD OUT (But Event-Only Tickets are still available)

As of August 9th, the regular registration which includes accomodataions is sold out. There is still room for the event portion, classes, seminars, etc. you’ll be responsible for nearby lodging. Accommodations available at Ramada Inn or Embassy Suites and other nearby hotels just minutes from La Quinta Resort.

Event Details

The block of rooms we reserve will ultimately sell-out so be ready once we open registration.


Contact Matt or Melissa at [email protected]

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