Haiti Spring Break Trip 2018

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Our Missions Ministry at Canyon Springs Church offers something for everyone. We know, according to Scripture, that God wants to send us out into this world to make disciples. We are all commanded to “GO” whether it is down the street, downtown, across the border or half-way across the world. We want to provide opportunities for people to GO and BE the hands and feet of Jesus.

Spring Break in Haiti

  • Haiti Spring Break Trip: March 22 – March 28, 2018.
  • Cost: $2,500.00 (Pay through Children’s Heritage Foundation)
  • Information meeting: Sunday, January 14, 2018 – 1:00pm at The Cove (9889 Hibert Street, Ste A, SD CA 92131)
  • Additional Team Meetings: 1/28/18 @ 12:30pm (Cove), 2/13/18 @ 6:00pm (Cove), 2/25/18 12:30pm (Cove), 3/6/18 @ 6:00pm (Cove), Pack and Pray Meeting 3/18/18 @ 1:00pm (Cove).
  • Payment Schedule: Downpayment = $500 (Due January 28), 2nd Payment = $500 (Due February 13), 3rd Payment = $750.00 (Due February 25), Final Payment = $750.00 (Due March 6).

Partnering with Children’s Heritage Foundation, we will continue our work rebuilding an orphanage in the town of Croix des Bouquet in order to create a life-changing atmosphere there and in neighboring towns. Join us as we share God’s truth through VBS, recreation, labor and lots of fellowship with our sisters and brothers of Haiti.

  • To register for this trip, sign up here.
  • To complete your team member application, and start your payment process with Children’s Heritage Foundation, please click here.

Lent Sacrifice

As a church we took time on Sunday to Explore the Season of Lent. We shared a brochure that spoke to the reasons behind Lent. Click HERE to view an online version of the Explore the Season of Lent brochure.
Have you chosen an expenditure you are giving up as a sacrifice for Lent? Join us as we give the money we would usually spend on things like coffee, fast food, movies, etc., to our Canyon Springs Missions Ministry and help us fund our upcoming Haiti Spring Conference. Click here to find out how to simply “Text-to-Give” your donation today!
Questions? Please contact Jilane Hawkins at [email protected].
Questions regarding payment information? Please contact Steve Denney at [email protected]

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