Haiti Mission Christmas Trip 2017

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Our Missions Ministry at Canyon Springs Church offers something for everyone. We know, according to Scripture, that God wants to send us out into this world to make disciples. We are all commanded to “GO” whether it is down the street, downtown, across the border or half-way across the world. We want to provide opportunities for people to GO and BE the hands and feet of Jesus.

Christmas in Haiti

  • Haiti Christmas Trip: December 27, 2017 – January 1, 2018.
  • Cost: $2,500.00 (Pay through Children’s Heritage Foundation)

Haiti Christmas Shoe Drive!

We have traveled to Haiti over 25 times and we witness first hand how many children go without a pair of shoes on a daily basis. Shoes do not last long in Haiti as the children travel over uneven rock and dirt roads. We would love to gift each one of the children at Good Rest Mission with a new pair of shoes for Christmas! Would you partner with us to make this happen?  Here’s what we need:

  • Visit us in the courtyard and pick up a “shoe-card” from our Haiti Christmas tree.
  • Each card you take represents a pair of shoes and daily vitamins for a child at Good Rest. The donation suggestion is $20 per card to cover these two items.
  • On the card, take the time as a family to write down a quick note and perhaps share a verse you will pray through for a child at Good Rest.
  • Return the completed shoe-card to Jilane Hawkins or Betsy Roy with your $20 donation. This donation may be made in person or online.
  • All of the shoe-cards and donations need to be received prior to December 16, 2017.

Thank you for your ongoing generosity and helping us to bring extra smiles on the faces of the children at Good Rest Mission.
Online donations may be made HERE.
Questions? Please contact Jilane Hawkins at [email protected].

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