Guatemala Spring Mission Trip 2024

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We will partner with We Are Graces and their work to help families in and around Antigua, Guatemala. This hands-on experience will be designed for those who want to see and participate in what God is doing in Guatemala. We will visit the school GRACES supports and meet and interact with the children through classroom visits and sports activities. We will also go on several home visits to see where these students live, meet their families, and provide them with food and encouragement. Team members will also build stoves and deliver them to families who need them most. We will end our time by creating a “Family Night,” including dinner, games, and activities for these families.

  • Information Meeting Location & Time – Tuesday, October 3rd, 6:00 p.m. in the Church Cafe.

Event Details:

  • What:  Mission Trip to Guatemala
  • When:  April 11 – April 16, 2024
  • Cost:  $2,000.00 (This includes airfare ($750) and in-country expenses (approximately $1,250), *Includes online processing fees for Canyon Springs and We Are Graces.
    • Please note: Airfare must be paid in full through Canyon Springs by January 7th, 2024.
  • Team Meetings:
    • First Team Meeting: Wednesday, October 18th, at 6:00 p.m. in Church Cafe
      • (Be prepared to make your 1st payment of $500 by Monday, October 30th.)
    • Second Team Meeting: Sunday, December 3rd at 11:45ish after 2nd service in OASIS Room or the Sunday School room, whichever is available.
      • (Be prepared to make your 2nd payment to airfare by December 10th, 2023. You should be at least at $500 towards airfare and starting to receive donations through your fundraising account.) Again, airfare of $750 must be paid in full by 1/7/2024.
    • Third Team Meeting: Sunday, Jan 28th, at 11:45ish am after 2nd service in OASIS Room or Sunday School Room, whichever is available.
      • (You should be halfway towards your in-country goal at this point.)
    • Final Team Meeting: Sunday, March 10th, at 11:45 am after 2nd service.
      • (You should be finished with your in-country fundraising at this point).
    • April 8th Pack & Pray – at the church at 6:00 pm!
  • Trip Registration: Register HERE to join our Guatemala Spring Team!  **REGISTRATION CLOSED AS OF 2/15/2024

Questions? Contact Darlene Shadden at [email protected]

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