Guatemala Spring Mission Trip 2023

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We will partner with We Are Graces and their work to help families in and around Antigua, Guatemala. This hands-on experience will be designed for those who want to see and participate in what God is doing in Guatemala. We will visit the school that GRACES supports and meet and interact with the children through English classes and sports activities. We will also go on several home visits to see where these students live, meet their families, and provide them with food and encouragement. Team members will also build stoves and deliver them to families who need them most. We will end our time by creating a “Family Night,” including dinner, games, and activities for these families.


**Please note: We will hold a Missions Trip 2023 Information Meeting. This meeting will provide information for all of our 2023 mission trips.

  • Information Meeting Location & Time: 12:30 pm at the Hawkin’s Home (9927 Dichondra Ct. 92131)

Worship Songs

Guatemala lyrics


  • What:  Mission Trip to Guatemala
  • When:  April 10 – April 15, 2023
  • Cost:  $2,300.00
  • Team Meetings:
    • February 2nd at 5:30 pm at The Cove (Be prepared to book your flight at this meeting)
    • February 26th ($600 payment due)
    • March 19th ($700 payment due)
    • April 3rd Pack & Pray – at The Cove 6:00 pm!
  • Trip Registration: CLOSED

Questions? Contact Jilane Hawkins at [email protected]

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