Family Sunday 2018

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Join us April 22 for Family Sunday! Tim Smith aka the Parents Coach will be here enriching Parents while the kiddos get to have their own fun. We hope to see you there!

Event Details

  • Date: Sunday, April 22, 2018
  • Time: 8:30am & 10:30am
  • Activities: Bounce Houses for Kids (Refreshments available)


First service (8:30am): Discover Your Family Brand – we don’t have to be like every other family around us. We have the freedom and the calling to be different, unique and intentional. But how do we get there? Can we be unique without being weird? Discover clarity, consistency and calmness by clarifying your unique family brand. Moving from chaos to calmness; becoming intentional and strategic vs. reactionary as a parent. Getting on the same page as your spouse.
Second Service (10:30am): What To Expect When You’re Suspecting – Are your kids manipulating you? Do you have poser kids? Are they Entitled or Comfortable? What do we do when they’ve burnt our trust. How to say ‘no’ and where to draw the line. Becoming consistent. Effective discipline without boarding school.

About the Speaker

Tim Smith* is a Family Coach, speaker, author and President of Life Skills for American Families, His twenty books include: The Relaxed Parent, Family Traditions, Life Skills for Guys and READY! A Girl’s Guide to Life.
* Tim “Parents Coach” Smith will be speaking at BOTH SERVICES

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