Experience Haiti!

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Let’s “Experience Haiti” Together 

We have not traveled to Haiti for 18 months due to the pandemic, civil unrest, and another earthquake! However, we thought we could still experience Haiti here in San Diego.

The week of October 3rd -10th

We will fast from an item each day that our friends and family in Haiti go without daily. As we “experience” Haiti through these sacrifices, the hope is that we will find ourselves identifying with them, praying for them, and seeking ways to support them. *Take the “Extreme Challenge” and give up all five challenges all five days!

Fasting & Prayer Schedule

  • Monday: Fast From A Meal / Read & pray John 6:35
  • Tuesday: Fast From Using Mirrors / Read &  pray Matthew 6:25
  • Wednesday: Fast From Hot Water / Read & pray John 4:7-10
  • Thursday: Fast From Wearing Shoes / Read & pray Isaiah 52:7
  • Friday: Fast From Your Bed / Read & pray Psalm 42: 1-4
  • Saturday: Reflection Day! Pray through these questions:
    • What did you learn about sacrifice?
    • How did this experience help you understand better what our brothers & sisters around the world face every day?
    • Whom/What enriched your prayer life this week?

Take the Extreme Challenge – GIVE UP ALL 5 ITEMS – FOR ALL FIVE DAYS!


Join our FACEBOOK Group and share your fasting experiences throughout the week! Let’s support each other as we fast and pray through our Experience Haiti Week. Click  EXPERIENCE HAITI FB GROUP.


Children’s Heritage Foundation (CHF) – Help Us Make A Difference!

Friends, we have partnered with Children’s Heritage Foundation (CHF) for over 10 years while participating in our mission trips to Haiti, Uganda & the Dominican Republic. CHF is a non-profit organization with a heart to support, partner with, and love disadvantaged children in impoverished areas. This organization is a difference-maker globally, and Canyon Springs has been blessed to partner with them. Please take a moment to hear from the heart of the Director of CHF, Steve Denny:

A Note From CHF Director, Steve Denny:

Like so many, the past 18 months has taken an incredible toll on CHF and our projects overseas.  In Haiti alone, our friends have experienced another earthquake, the assassination of a president, multiple hurricanes, increased violence and gang activity, food shortages and multiple school closures.  I have been working in Haiti for over 10 years and have never witnessed life more difficult.

Our work in Haiti relies heavily on travel, and of course this has not been possible for more than a year.  Each CHF trip provides additional resources to keep our programs operating, including school fees, salaries, food and clothing.  

Currently, the most urgent needs are 1) funding the school and 2) food .  This amounts to $2300 every month!

Steve Denny

Donate/Sponsor Haiti

Many of you at Canyon Springs has supported our Mission Ministry by traveling to Haiti, sponsoring team members to travel to Haiti, praying over team members and the people of Haiti, and donating to projects in Haiti. If it is in your heart to step into supporting Haiti, we encourage you to spend time in prayer and visit their website to make a donation or sponsor an area of their program.


Take time to pray for the people of Haiti. Visit the CHF website and view the work that is still happening in Haiti through the link below!


*Once you click the link below, you will click “SUPPORT THIS PROJECT” for a list of options.



Check out our Fasting Cards and Educational information as you step into your Fasting Week and Experience Haiti!

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