DNOW Student Leadership Retreat 2019

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DNOW which stands for “Discipleship NOW” is our yearly student leadership retreat. We take the kids to Palomar Christian conference center for Memorial Day weekend for a weekend of guided discipleship, team building activities and we also get to serve the camp.


  • Dates: 5/24-5/26 **Kids will have to miss all day of school on the 24th or partial day as we leave around 11AM** We will return for church on the 26th.
  • To Save Your Spot: Pay the full amount and register below
  • Cost: $50
  • Prepare: Pack clothes for the weekend and bring a journal and bible and a pair of shoes for sports and hikes.
  • Who can go? This is a student leadership retreat for HS only. This trip is reserved for kids that want to be on student leadership or are currently serving in a student leadership capacity.

Online Registration


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