Ash Wednesday 2020

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Ash Wednesday Communal Gatherings

What if this year your Easter was different? What if it was not just going to your Aunt’s house and eating ham and having a scavenger hunt with the kids? This year as a church, we are going to celebrate Ash Wednesday in the intimate setting of our living rooms to enter into Lent – 40 days of drawing close to the Lord leading up to Easter. These communal gatherings will be accompanied by a live streamed service including worship and an interactive discussion.

On Ash Wednesday (February 26th) we are going to gather in homes to talk about sacrifice and communion with God. What is Ash Wednesday? What is Lent? What can we do during this period of 40 days to draw closer to God?

We are going to talk about all of this together in the intimacy of a living room. What is it about a living room that is so intimate. Think about it. The living room is the place where your family gathers to play games and watch movies together. The living room is the place where you yell at a referee on television. The living room is the place where decisions are made. Should I go to this college? Should we continue our marriage? Should we adopt a kid? The living room has a certain intimacy associated with it. Instead of gathering at a place like Marshall or the Cove we want to gather in living rooms. In the place that is so intimate to each of us.

Live Streamed Event

So, we are having a special Ash Wednesday interactive live stream that will take place . . . in living rooms around San Diego. Here’s what we are doing:

  • 6:00pm meet up at host homes (or your small group home) for fellowship and friendship.
  • 6:30pm, we will live stream a special Ash Wednesday service which will include worship and an interactive discussion on lent and Ash Wed.
  • You can gather with a group of people at one of our host homes or just get together with your regular small group.
  • Your group home can decide what to do before or after – it might include apps, snacks/apps, dinner or dessert or all of the above.
  • As a church we will all decide on something to “give up” for lent and we will do it as one body.

Questions? Contact Chad Richards at [email protected] or 949-335-2101

Group Homes – Host or Join?

If you are looking for a home to join, or you would like to host, please fill out the form below. We will coordinate host homes.


Kids Activity

If you are interested in helping your kids prepare their hearts for Easter, check out this 40 acts of kindness activity.  Here’s how it works:

1. Print this document 

2. Cut the acts of kindness/things to pray for in strips

3. Assemble the strips to make a  paper chain 

4. Cut off one paper strip each day leading up to Easter. Complete the act of kindness and prayer for the day in anticipation of Easter.

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