Children’s Ministy

AWANA Recap – Oct. 5th

This week was Team Color Night! The Cove was a sea of red, blue, green and yellow! Our tables were a little more full this week as we have a few clubbers from BARF night last week that have decided to join us every week; we’re so excited about that! During Counsel Time, Ms. Betsy introduced the pet of the week: GUINEA [...]

By |2016-10-07T13:04:26-07:00October 7th, 2016|Awana, Children's Ministy|0 Comments

Club 45 Recap – Oct. 3rd!

We began Club 45 with Club Time.  This is a time where the children are free to choose from a variety of indoor and outdoor games or just hang out and get to know each other. During Club Teaching Time, we started out by talking about our Club Verse - Psalm 1:1-3. We divided the kids into six groups and [...]

By |2016-10-04T14:07:02-07:00October 4th, 2016|Children's Ministy, Club 45|0 Comments


BARF Night was a raging success - not because all of our clubbers got sick (ha! ha!), but because we had SO many "real friends" join us! The Cove was jam packed with over 100 clubbers, friends and leaders! During Table Time, Ms. Betsy called all the "friends" to the stage and told them about Awana, what we do each week [...]

By |2016-09-30T15:29:39-07:00September 30th, 2016|Awana, Children's Ministy|0 Comments

CLUB 45 – Great start!

Our first "official" Club 45 on Monday night was a blast! We started off the night with our "Club Time." This is where the kids get to choose from a variety of games and activities, both inside and outside - board games, fooz ball, basketball, football, four square, etc. It's a great time for them to connect with each other [...]

By |2016-09-28T09:57:29-07:00September 28th, 2016|Children's Ministy, Club 45|0 Comments

AWANA Recap 9/21

Last night was Animal Night - and boy was it a zoo?! :) Really, though, it felt like we WERE at the Canyon Springs Zoo - with zebras, flamingos, kangaroos, butterflies, bunnies, sharks, parrots, pandas, penguins, and lots of kitty cats! Thankfully, the invasion of animals didn't deter our clubbers from earning lots of awards! We had quite a few [...]

By |2016-09-22T18:00:38-07:00September 22nd, 2016|Awana, Children's Ministy, Uncategorized|0 Comments


We had more than 50 leaders and clubbers splashing the night away at our Club 45 Kick Off Pool Party last night! It was a great start to the year. We played group games and pool games, had hot dogs and popsicles - but mostly we just hung as a group getting to know each other and enjoying getting to swim [...]

By |2016-09-20T18:10:19-07:00September 20th, 2016|Children's Ministy, Club 45|0 Comments


Our AWANA Kick Off last night was awesome! The Cove was packed with over 50 kindergarten through 3rd graders, who were loved and guided by 27 fearless AWANA leaders! In addition, we had 22 clubbers joining us for the very first time! It was so great to be able to share with them what AWANA is all about and what we get to [...]

By |2016-09-15T19:15:02-07:00September 15th, 2016|Awana, Children's Ministy|0 Comments

VBS 2016 Recap!

As we mourn the fact that we're not getting to go to VBS again this week, let's take a few minutes and recap what an amazing week it was aboard the USS Submerged! Every day last week, we had almost 200 kids ("Bubbleheads") ages preschool through 5th grade flood our campus to learn about Jesus (oh - and have A [...]


Our mission aboard the USS Submerged is....COMPLETE!! What an amazing week! Our Bubbleheads were so great at staying focused on our key target for the week (which of course was to have fun) but also to....FIND THE TRUTH OF GOD'S WORD! We finished the week strong with some really fun activities in our rotations: CRAFT--The Bubbleheads created very special books. There was [...]

Day 4 of VBS!

We are over the hump - and we could feel the energy today! Day 4 just might have been the best day so far! It was UNDERWATER DAY - and boy, did we have a host of sea creatures join us on the USS Submerged?! We had mermaids, sharks, a dolphin, squid, crabs, divers, an aquarium, a "school" of fish [...]

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