Children’s Ministy


It was Table Night last night; each table group decided last week how they wanted to dress. We had clubbers dressed in black & white, all pink, crazy hats, crazy hair and lots of pajamas! Our emoji for the week was....   Angry! We pointed out that almost all the emoji faces are yellow, but this one - and most [...]

By |2017-02-17T09:04:57-08:00February 17th, 2017|Awana, Children's Ministy|0 Comments

Club 45 Do Not Lie

We began, as usual, with Club Time.  There was a basketball game going outside while limbo, Apple to Apples and Connect Four were happening inside. Our mixer was a team activity. The clubbers were divided up and each team had to pick one person that was best at each of the following: jumping the highest, dancing, longest middle name, sit ups [...]

By |2017-02-16T10:12:41-08:00February 16th, 2017|Children's Ministy, Club 45|0 Comments

AWANA in love!

Love was definitely "in the air" on Wednesday night at AWANA! The Cove was decked out in red, pink and hearts - and the clubbers were too! This went along with our emoji for the week... Believe it or not, we are half way through the session! There are quite a few clubbers that are close to finishing their books, [...]

By |2017-02-10T18:43:41-08:00February 10th, 2017|Awana, Children's Ministy|0 Comments

Club 45 Be a giver not a getter

We began Club 45 with Club Time.  Since it was raining, everyone was inside - playing games, throwing the ball around, playing limbo - and, of course, flipping water bottles! :) Our mixers were Pass the Ball and Going on a Trip. Ask your Clubber how those went down - it was fun! During Club Teaching Time we learned the Eighth Commandment; You [...]

By |2017-02-07T08:54:30-08:00February 7th, 2017|Children's Ministy, Club 45|0 Comments

BARF night was a delight!

BARF night (i.e, Bring a Friend Night) was a raging success! Our clubbers did a fantastic job of inviting their friends to Awana this week; as a result, the Cove was packed with over 120 clubbers, friends and leaders! In addition, we got to introduce the love of Jesus to many new kids! During Table Time, Ms. Betsy called all [...]

By |2017-02-03T14:54:37-08:00February 3rd, 2017|Awana, Children's Ministy|0 Comments

Winter Wonderland at AWANA

Bundled up in scarves, mittens, hats and boots, our clubbers braved the cold to experience the winter wonderland at AWANA last night! (Let's be honest - we live in San Diego - we just cranked up the A/C!). :) We started the night with our Hikers (Kinder/1st graders) working through their handbooks at table time. Boy, were there a lot [...]

By |2017-01-26T12:08:33-08:00January 26th, 2017|Awana, Children's Ministy|0 Comments

The Return of Club 45!

Our winter session of Club 45 kicked off with a bang last night! Our 4th & 5th graders braved the rain to join us for a super fun night. We did miss those who didn't make it back and look forward to reconnecting with them when they return! We began Club 45 with “Club Time”; this is a perfect time to reconnect with the [...]

By |2017-01-24T14:44:26-08:00January 24th, 2017|Children's Ministy, Club 45|0 Comments

AWANA is back!

All our leaders and clubbers were reunited last night to kick off our 2017 Winter/Spring session! The Cove was packed with 68 kindergarten through 3rd graders - and 16 of them were brand new clubbers joining us this session! In addition, there's the 28 volunteers that make this program happen; they give up their Wednesday evenings to pour into these kids, helping them [...]

By |2017-01-19T09:48:35-08:00January 19th, 2017|Awana, Children's Ministy|0 Comments

Miracle of Jesus 2016 (Recap)

It was a beautiful “Night in Bethlehem” last Saturday 12/3/16 as we welcomed over 350 visitors to our Bethlehem village! Each visitor received a tote bag on their way in to the city, to collect and carry all that they accumulated during their stay. The young ones made their way through six village stations: the Scribe’s Tent, Potter’s Shed, Bakery, [...]

By |2016-12-10T11:29:19-08:00December 10th, 2016|Children's Ministy, Events|0 Comments
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