Latest News, Events, Recaps and Happenings at Canyon Springs.
Welcome. Back From Thanksgiving OASIS| Christmas Party is December 7th!| Oasis Middle In the Water 11/28/2023
Welcome Back! We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving with your family. This time between Thanksgiving and Christmas always seems to fly by. However, we have a lot of [...]
Year End Letter 2024
A Year of Impact: Reflecting on the Work at Canyon Springs As we close out another year at Canyon Springs Church, I reflect with deep gratitude and joy on all [...]
Merry Christmas! Year End 2023
I am grateful to be your pastor. One of my favorite moments is simply sitting in my new office, sipping coffee, crafting meaningful messages (or attempting to!) However, one day, [...]
Friendsgiving is THIS Week | No Youth Gathering Next Week | Oasis In the Water 11.14.2023
There is So Much to be Thankful For Friendsgiving 11/15 One of OASIS student’s favorite events of the year! Great food, raffles, great hangs with friends, and a message [...]
Friendsgiving is THIS WEEK!| No Youth Gathering Next Week| Oasis Middle In the Water 11/14/2023
There Is So Much to be Thankful For Friendsgiving 11/16 One of OASIS student’s favorite events of the year! Great food, raffles, great hangs with friends, and a message [...]
Friendsgiving November 16th | Winter X Save the Date | Oasis In the Water 11.07.2023
There is So Much to be Thankful For Friendsgiving 11/15 One of OASIS student’s favorite events of the year! Great food, raffles, great hangs with friends, and a message [...]
Friendsgiving November 16th | Winter Camp Save the Date | Oasis Middle In the Water 11/7/23
There Is So Much to be Thankful For Friendsgiving 11/16 One of OASIS student’s favorite events of the year! Great food, raffles, great hangs with friends, and a message [...]
Celebrate Friendsgiving with Us November 16th | Save the Date for Winter Camp | Oasis Middle In the Water 11/31/23
Friendsgiving 11/16 One of OASIS student’s favorite events of the year! Great food, raffles, great hangs with friends, and a message on Thankfulness by Pastor Sekwohn. Come and Celebrate [...]
Celebrate Friendsgiving with Us November 15th | Save the Date for Winter X | Oasis In the Water 11.31.23
Friendsgiving 11/15 One of OASIS student’s favorite events of the year! Great food, raffles, great hangs with friends, and a message on Thankfulness by Pastor Sekwohn. Come and Celebrate [...]
The Journey House
The Journey House is a transitional (18-month) supportive home for up to six female tenants. Residents graduate from the San Diego Rescue Mission's Academy 12-month program. Community involvement is significant. [...]
OASIS Parent Meeting is TONIGHT! | Join Us Next Week for City Search | Oasis Middle In the Water 10/17/23
City Search is Almost Here! 10/26/23 City Search is BACK! We are excited for this event as a fun way for students to work together and an easy way [...]
OASIS Parent Meeting is TONIGHT! | Join Us Next Week for City Search | Oasis In the Water 10.17.23
City Search is Almost Here! 10/25/23 City Search is BACK! We are excited for this event as a fun way for students to work together and an easy way [...]
City Search- Parent Drivers Needed | Please RSVP for Parent Meeting| Oasis In the Water 10.10.23
City Search is Almost Here! 10/25/23 City Search is BACK! We are excited for this event as a fun way for students to work together and an easy way [...]
City Search- Parent Drivers Needed | Please RSVP for Parent Meeting | Oasis Middle In the Water 10/10/23
City Search is Almost Here! 10/26/23 City Search is BACK! We are excited for this event as a fun way for students to work together and an easy way [...]
Keep Your Streak (In the Word) | Save the Date for City Search| Oasis In the Water 10.03.2023
Calling ALL Parents for our OASIS Parent Meeting Pastor Sekwohn will be having an OASIS Parent meetings for all parents of Middle School and High School Ministries. We will [...]