Hard to believe our VBS Gaming Adventure is over half way complete! Boy, have we had fun!! “Hump Day” can sometimes come with low energy- but NOT today. The kids were full of energy thanks to our amazing GAMING leader team.  So much energy and cheer! The kids worked hard at their daily and weekly memory verses and our kids LOVED the WHEEL OF HAPPY with Thaddeus Higglebottom. If you haven’t heard of him yet, you should definitely ask your kids about Mr. Higglebottom. He is visiting us all week and on a game show!

The kids were very busy with all the rotations today! In craft, we spent some time participating in a mission project. We got to hear from Dan Williams, who helps with Vision de Dios. He told our campers all about the work he does in Tijuana and how the money they are raising for Regalos Para Abuelos will help support seniors in Mexico. Our gamers had the chance to write cards and send prayers to their friends in Mexico and also make blankets to keep those grandparents warm in winter! They were so engaged and excited to serve.

Ms. Jodie and Ms. Lauren have your kids completely engaged during story time. Today they learned that Jesus is FORGIVING! Jesus told Peter that before the day was over Peter would deny he knew Jesus three different times. That night, soldiers arrested Jesus. During Jesus’ trial, Peter sat nearby. Three different times, Peter denied knowing Jesus. The next day, Jesus was crucified. His body was buried. On the third day, Jesus rose from the dead! Some time later Peter and a few disciples decided to go fishing. They caught nothing. A man on the shore suggested they put the net on the right side of the boat. They did and caught 153 fish! They realized the man was Jesus! Jesus shared bread and fish with them on the shore. Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love Me?” three different times. Peter replied, “Yes, Lord, You know I love You.” Jesus told Peter to take care of the other followers of Jesus.

We learned a new song today, “Everyone”  It was a fast one but the kids did great and they are remembering ALL those words.  Be sure to play the CD at home so your child can practice all the moves (and maybe teach you a few!).

We had many kids bring money today for our friends at Vision de Dios! It was a tight race and everyone was so eager to see if the BOYS or the GIRLS brought in more money. After day 1, the girls took the lead and added 3 stacks of “presents” to their side.  And TODAY, the GIRLS rocked it again and they are officially ahead of the boys.  HOOORRAAAYY! The race isn’t over yet. Our campers still have 2 more days to bring in money to support Regalos Para Abuelos in Tijuana, Mexico.

If you or your family are interested in joining us for our VBS Mexico trip this Saturday to visit the kids of Iglesia de Christo and provide them with a taste of the fun that we’ve had this week, please go online and register them HERE

We cannot wait for Day 4 of our gaming adventure! TOMORROW is SUPER COLOR SPIRIT DAY; make sure to dress head to toe in your group color. Campers are not required to wear their VBS shirts but are welcome to if they would like.

We are excited to let you know that on FRIDAY we will have an end of VBS celebration with Pizza, chips, cookies, and drinks. We will also have bounce houses for kids to play on. We would love to have you join us. There is a suggested donation of $10 per family. 

We can’t wait to see all our gamers tomorrow!

Your Game Designers, Lesley & Jodie
and the rest of the Game Master crew