Women’s Ministry Mondays’ Book Club ~ 2020

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Women of Canyon Springs! Please join us for our funfilled book club. We will read through a couple of Historical Fiction books in this five-book compilation of the popular Sons of Encouragement series, the New York Times bestselling author Francine Rivers of Redeeming Love and A Voice in the Wind illuminates the lives of biblical men who stood behind heroes of the faith and quietly changed eternity.

We meet once a month on Monday evenings. Register today and be a part of this wonderful fellowship.

Sons of Encouragement, by Francine Rivers

Each son faithfully sought God in the shadows of His chosen leaders. They answered God’s call to serve without recognition or fame. And they gave everything, knowing their reward might not come until the next life. Be challenged by these faithful men whose stories we must never forget. Aaron, Caleb, Jonathan, Amos, and Silas.

  • Starts Monday, February 3 (Additional dates – 2/24, 3/9, 3/23, 4/3)
  • 6:00 – 7:30pm
  • At the home of Debbie Kissinger Echols – 10405 Woodchuck Point SD, 92131

Please note: There is no cost to join this event; however, you are responsible for purchasing your book. The book can be found on Amazon for $12.99. Childcare is not available for this event.

Register Today!

Questions? Contact Marty Wiler at [email protected]

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