Vacation Bible School (VBS) 2020

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** We are monitoring all updates of COVID-19 and gatherings per information from the CDC as well as the state of California. We will continue to update  any changes that may occur based on the information we receive.

Some sad news

It is with great sadness that we share that our traditional vacation bible school, scheduled for June 22nd – 26th, has been canceled. Marshall Middle School (where we typically hold VBS) has announced that they are not allowing any gatherings at their facility through June and possibly longer. In accordance with regulations mandated by the state, we are unable to gather in large groups for the foreseeable future.  Because our VBS typically has over 450 participants (including volunteers), we will not be able to gather the same way we have in years past. 


There’s still GOOD NEWS to share

Even though we can’t see each and every one of your faces and rock out to “Yes to VBS” together, we strongly believe in the mission of vacation bible school and reaching kids for Jesus.  At Canyon Springs, we strive to make vacation bible school a dependable, ongoing ministry that creates lasting memories for your children while deepening their relationship with Jesus. The biblical content we build into this fun week each year helps lay foundational truths that help kids understand who Jesus is and why they need a personal savior.  Because we strongly believe in the mission of VBS, we are going to offer a BACKYARD VBS this year!! 


Backyard VBS

By transferring the traditional activities of VBS to backyards, front porches, and shade trees, we hope to take the gospel to kids, families, and close friends safely in our neighborhood.  

From July 27th – 31st in backyards throughout our community, children will gather safely in small groups to hear about Jesus. To ensure safety for our children, we will train staff and volunteers on proper hygiene practices, provide adequate supplies necessary for hygiene, cleaning, and disinfecting, and be sure to follow all directives of our state and local authorities.  And don’t worry, we will also provide bible stories, crafts, games, songs, and LOTS of fun! 


Sooooooo . . . . If you’re interested in your child joining a backyard VBS, click here


Already Registered? Options

If you have already registered for VBS you have a few options:


  1. Get a refund in full (email [email protected])
  2. We are making this event 100% free to attend but we will still have costs to incur. If you would like to donate your original registration cost towards this event please let us know. In the case there is any money left over, all funds will go towards children’s ministry.


Are you interested in hosting or helping a host? 

If you are interested in hosting a backyard VBS for the kids in your neighborhood, we would love to hear from you and have you on our team! Many of you have spent time walking outside and have met new neighbors, and this could be an excellent outreach opportunity. We will provide all the necessary materials and training that you need. If you are interested in hosting a backyard VBS click here

One of our favorite parts of VBS at Canyon Springs is how many youths get involved and volunteer with us each year.  If your middle or high schooler is eager to volunteer, we would love to have them join us. Please consider praying about it and reaching out to us if you have questions about hosting or helping to host a backyard VBS. All hosts are required to be current members of our Canyon Springs Church community, be screened, and background checked, and completed a statement of faith. Please contact [email protected] with any questions. 



Will you join us in prayer as we continue still to reach kids for Jesus in this new way?  We believe the most powerful response to pandemic-induced uncertainty is a bold proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.



While the pandemic has taken most of us by surprise, it did not surprise our God! Be comforted and encouraged in the knowledge that He works all things together for our good and His glory (Romans 8:28; Ephesians 1:11). Whatever the coming months may bring, God remains on His throne.


VBS 2020 “Concrete & Cranes”

Look up—way up. That’s where we’re headed. Where I-beams float effortlessly high overhead, carefully guided into place by powerful machinery. Where steel and glass converge in a colossal design that appears to almost touch the sky. These magnificent structures were elaborately designed and intricately built. Yet they all began the same way—with concrete and cranes, rivets and rebar, bulldozers and backhoes; and most importantly, a solid foundation. This summer, kids will grab their hard hats and head out to the construction site to discover that skyscrapers aren’t the only things that need a rock solid foundation.

During VBS, kids will discover that Jesus’ love provides a foundation that will last. When the storms of life come, they’ll need the One who will be with them to the end of the age. When anxiety sets in, they’ll need the assurance that true worth comes from being a child of God, not from what other people think about them. When they feel unworthy, they can remember that Jesus loved them enough to die for them. They’ll learn to be wise builders who continue in what they’ve learned and firmly believe. And they will discover that He who began a good work will be faithful to carry it on to completion. We’re all a work in progress. Life is a hard hat zone. But just wait ‘til you see what God will do!

VBS Highlights


Volunteer Opportunities

Our VBS program wouldn’t be possible without the gracious help and commitment of our volunteers… and we have PLENTY of opportunities available for both adults and youth.

Opportunities are available to help both during and before VBS! These range from prepping crafts, helping with check-in, setting up/tearing down, coordinating t-shirt orders and much more! If you’re interested in helping in any capacity, click on the registration link above and follow the prompts for volunteers.

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