Women's Ministry Fall Bible Study 2018 (Saturday)

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Women of Canyon Springs! We kick off our fall bible study session Saturday morning, September 15, 2018. Register today and be a part of this wonderful fellowship.

Psalm 23 – The Shepherd With Me

By Jennifer Rothschild

Many women know Psalm 23 by heart but haven’t experienced its power in their lives. This beloved psalm can breathe new life into women who are weary and unsure of their next steps. It’s more than a psalm that comforts in death; it gives confidence in life.
In this 7-week session study by Jennifer Rothschild, gain fresh insight and encouragement from Psalm 23. Explore the depths of God’s compassionate care while debunking the self-reliance myth. Learn how your vulnerability is not a liability because you can trust the Shepherd’s goodness throughout each season of life.

Event Details:

Fall Bible Study – The Shepherd With Me

  • Begins Saturday, September 15, 2018
  • Ends Saturday, October 27, 2018
  • 8:00 – 9:30am
  • At The Cove (9889 Hibert Street, Ste A San Diego, 92131)
  • Study Material available through Amazon Here
  • Cost is Free (Each participant is responsible for purchasing their study book)
  • Childcare is not provided.
  • Register Today – HERE

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