Haiti Book Drive

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Our October Haiti team will be building a library at Good Rest Mission. Buying books in Haiti can be difficult, so we would like to hold a book drive prior to our trip and bring the books down with us. We are collecting books for all ages (1 year – 18+) in French or Creole.
Barnes and Noble is partnering with us to help gather the books we need! On Saturday, September 8th, the Mira Mesa Barnes and Noble will host a “Haiti Book Fair” for our Haiti Library. Anyone that comes in and purchases books or other items (not including electronics), using our Haiti Book Drive VoucherBarnes and Noble will give us 10% of the sales to use to purchase the books we need. Barnes and Noble employees have personally done research for us and will have books in French at the store on the day of our book drive to be purchased and donated to the library.

Online Purchases

Online purchases through Barnes and Noble on September 8 through September 12 will benefit our Haiti Book Drive just by using our Haiti Book Drive Code of 12421491. Simply visit BN.COM/bookfairs to support us online and enter our Book Drive ID #12421491 at checkout.

Event Details

  • Why: To provide books for the library our October team is building at Good Rest Mission
  • When: Saturday, September 8, 2018
  • Time: 11:00am – 7:00pm
  • Where: Barnes and Noble, Mira Mesa
  • Book Drive Vouchers: You need to present this Haiti Book Drive Voucher at the time of purchase. Vouchers with a donation Book Drive Code are available online above or at church over the next couple of Sundays.
  • Online Purchases Book Drive Code: For online purchases, please use the Book Drive Code of #12421491 at checkout. Purchases may be made online September 8th – September 12, 2018.
  • General Donations: If you would like to donate funds directly to our Haiti Book Fair in an effort to help us purchase books, please click HERE.

Barnes & Noble Cafe

The Barnes & Noble Cafe will offer a “Taste of Haiti” on the day of our Book Drive. This delicious Frappuccino is a blend of crushed macaroons and coconut milk. Be sure to pick one up while you are shopping for French & Creole books.

Please Join Us in Prayer

We ask for your prayers that our team would be able to show and share the love of Jesus to our friends in Haiti. Pray that teens would understand the value they have in Christ Jesus. Pray that as challenges are given to receive Christ, hearts would respond. Pray that we would be able to bring books down to help fill in the gaps that are in these children’s education and basic knowledge of the world.
Thank you for your ongoing generosity and helping us to bring extra smiles on the faces of the children at Good Rest Mission.
Questions? Please contact Jilane Hawkins at [email protected].

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