How to Afford your iPhone & Starbucks After your Parents Cut You Off!

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Show Me The Money

Students, guess what!?! When you graduate High School you are headed for the world of “buy your own stuff.” It is in this world that many students nationwide fall into the realm of broke. These students stumble around eating Cups of noodles for protein and relying on the college cafeteria for sheer survival.
In just a few short years you will be leaving the nest!
How you handle money NOW will impact your future.
Join Oasis for a 2 week class on basic financial principles that you can practice while you are still living at home.
Goal setting, credit card debt, best way to purchase a car, college expenses AND creating the all-important Budget will be discussed.

Event Details

  • When: March 11th and 18th  from 4-6PM
  • Where: The Cove at 9889 Hibert Street Suite A
  • Cost: FREE! We want to invest in your future!
  • Questions? Contact Chad at [email protected]
  • Registration Please rsvp via EVENTBRITE by clicking HERE


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