Miracle of Jesus 2017

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Come and experience the real meaning of Christmas like never before! Step back in time to a real-life Bethlehem, exploring the events of Jesus’ miraculous birth in an interactive marketplace setting. Kids will play games, do crafts and create keepsakes that will forever remind them of their journey and the Christmas story. Parents can enjoy the family photo booth and the Christmas Cafe while being reminded of the true meaning of Christmas.



An Interactive Christmas Experience for the Whole Family!

This is an adventure for the whole family; you don’t want to miss it! If you’re looking for a great way to share the love of Jesus with your friends and neighbors at Christmas, invite someone today!
Last year we hosted over 350 people from our church and community to the Miracle of Jesus event. Children and their families had a blast as they participated in a lively Bethlehem experience and engaged in the Nativity drama. Some children heard the true Christmas story for the very first time!

Event Details

  • What: Miracle of Jesus 2017 An Interactive Christmas Experience for the whole family!
  • Who: Anyone! Adults and Families are very welcome!
  • When: Saturday, December 2, 2017
  • Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm
  • Where: Thurgood Marshall Middle School (Multi-purpose room)
  • Cost: $0 aka FREE.
  • Info: Email [email protected]

How Can You Help?

The mission of Canyon Springs is, “It’s about the one.” That next one might be in your family, your neighborhood, or your office and their first introduction might be at the Miracle of Jesus. Not only does this event come with financial costs, there have been dozens and dozens of volunteers helping over weeks and months. Help is always appreciated leading up to and at the event as well. It is our hope that we would be able to invite all members of our community to attend this great event without having ask for donations or charge admission. We are excited about the opportunity to share the love of Jesus with your friends and our community! Here are different ways you can help:

  • Come to the event and invite your friends!
  • Pray for the next one!
  • Help set up on Friday December 1st from 5 – 8 pm (at Marshall Middle School in the MPR)
  • Help at the event on December 2nd from 2-4 pm
  • Share this event with a friend

[bctt tweet=”Experience the Miracle of Jesus, 12/2/17 in Scripps Ranch” username=”canyon_springs”]

Miracle of Jesus Highlights


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