We talked to the kids today about our mid-week programs for Kindergarten through 5th graders that will start up after school starts.

AWANA is for kindergarten through 3rd graders and meets on Wednesday nights from 5:15pm-6:45pm. The registration is typically $75 but we are offering a significant discount for our VBS Galactic Starveyors. Sign up now for just $50! Here’s the link (and more details):

Club 45 is for 4th & 5th graders and meets on Monday nights from 6:30pm-8pm at the Cove. It is FREE but we still need you to register so we know how many to expect. Here’s the link (and more details):


So…we are over the hump – and we could feel the energy today! Day 4 just might have been the best day so far! It was OUT OF THIS WORLD DAY – and boy, did we have a lot of other-worldly friends on our mission today?! We had baby Groot, Rocket, aliens, astronauts, NASA officials, black holes and lots of sparkly starry-ness! Plus, the Star Wars crew was well represented: Yoda (Paul), Chadi, Princess Lea, Rey, Storm Troopers, BB8 and even Darth Vader!

Throughout our morning activity, we continued our mission to:


CRAFT–The Astronauts made…slime! Boy, this was a big hit (and a big mess!). But they love it!!

REC–There was a relay race with water balloons and a slip & slide – AND I believe a few leaders got a refreshing pie in the face!

MISSIONS–The kids got to hear from our missionary friends in London as they asked us to pray for them to be safe and find many people with whom they can share God’s love.

MUSIC–We learned ANOTHER song – “Stars”. After listening to the CD all week, I’m sure your kids know all the words already! They can now practice ALL of them!

STORY–Today the kids heard about Jesus’ death on the cross. Jesus literally was Immanuel—God with us. When Jesus was 33, He was put on trial, convicted of sins He did not commit, and hung on a cross to die. When Jesus died darkness covered the land and the veil in the temple was torn in two. Jesus was buried and on the third day He arose. Jesus provided the way for our relationship with God to be restored. This story reflects: THE RELATIONSHIP RESTORED.

At the end of the day, Ms. Jilane from the Mission Train came up to tell us how many more uniforms we were able to provide for the kids in Tijuana. As of yesterday, we had 5. Today we added 2 more. That’s great, but honestly it makes me sad because I know we can do better! Kids can bring donations – and parents can too! It costs over $100 for a kid in Mexico to buy a school uniform. Please join us in helping these kids in need. Thank you!


If you or your family are interested in joining us to visit the kids of Rio Al Mar and provide them with a taste of the fun that we’ve had this week, you can get more info online – and register – at:

If you have questions about VBS Mexico, you can email Jilane Hawkins at [email protected].

We cannot wait for the final day of our mission aboard the Canyon Springs Space Shuttle! Tomorrow is no dress up day; just wear your VBS shirt!

Please plan to hang out on Friday for our VBS Family BBQ right after VBS is over at noon! We’ll have hot dogs, chips and popsicles and a bounce house-for just $5/family!

Make sure your kids are practicing their memory verses!

Our memory verse for the week is:

Through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see, such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through him and for him. He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together.” Colossians 1:15-16

They can work on the daily verse too, which was:

God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them.” 2 Corinthians 5:19A

Can’t wait to see all our Shuttle Mission Astronauts tomorrow morning!

Commander B and Coco

Yoda Paul and Chadi Round 3…