One-Day Mission Trip to Mexico

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Join us on this One-Day Mission Trip to Mexico!

Our Missions Ministry at Canyon Springs Church offers something for everyone. We know, according to Scripture, that God wants to send us out into this world to make disciples. We are all commanded to “GO” whether it is down the street, downtown, across the border or half-way across the world. We want to provide opportunities for people to GO and BE the hands and feet of Jesus.

Tijuana Mexico!

We need your help. The Iglesia Nuevo Testimento (New Testament Church) needs a new floor in the children’s room, along with some painting to spruce things up. The children are gathering on an old carpet remnant laid over dirt due to a rotted out floor. We will raise the floor, rebuild the entry steps and paint the exterior hallways and bathrooms. We could use some laborers, construction workers/construction smarts (even if it’s just around your house), and plenty of painters.
This will be a one-day mission trip to serve a wonderful church that praises God. Please join us in prayer over this day. We appreciate any financial blessings you can provide for building and painting materials.

Event Details

  • Where: Tijuana, Mexico at the church of Iglesia Nuevo Testimento
  • When: April 22, 2017
  • Time: 7:00am – 4:00pm (return time is approximate due to international border crossing)
  • Cost: $10 per person or $25 for family of 3 or more.  This helps us to cover the cost for gas for the bus, water and lunch.
  • Meet: At The Cove, 9889 Hibert St, Ste A San Diego, CA 92131. We will caravan down to US Border.
  • Documents: Passports required for 18 and older. Children under 18 may use their birth certificate, but must be accompanied with a parent or guardian.
  • To register, please click here.

Please RSVP to Dan Williams of Rio al Mar, [email protected]. You may also reach Dan at (858)232-8457.

One-Day Mission Trips to Mexico

Enjoy pictures from past construction trips!

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