Dear Canyon Springs Church Family,
Thank you for attending the Congregational Town Hall on Sunday. As we embark on this journey of finding our next pastor, communication is important, and the Town Hall is the first of many connection opportunities.
What we know: Our identity is rooted here, in our collective community and faith. Canyon Springs was build by God, for the community and by the community and transcends one individual.
We depend on God, and we are confident in our purpose in Scripps Ranch and the globe, and trust that God’s work will continue.
As a follow-up and in the spirit of full transparency, here are a few key priorities:
Do a search for the “transition pastor” who will lead Canyon Springs and the staff once Chad departs on June 1.
This person will assist in leading the church with the Elder Board.
This person will be a seasoned pastor with experience in transition to bring stability, leadership and congregational guidance as we take our next steps.
This person will be temporary and shepherd us through the transition season.
The Elder Board is considering candidates from multiple sources, including direct inquiries and potential prospects provided by the Evangelical Covenant denomination.
We will continue long-term planning while working with the denomination, CSC staff, and the congregation to explore all the opportunities God places on our hearts.
- We are not “rushing” this step and allowing the Holy Spirit room to guide us.
Everyone will have a voice and opportunity to provide input on our future pastor.
The congregation will meet possible candidates and agree on selection through congregational ratification.
- We invite you to consider ways you can contribute during this transition period:
Search Committee of 6-9 people with congregational involvement will be selected. This team will work alongside the elder board, the denomination, and the staff in selecting the very best leader for Canyon Springs.
Finance Committee of 2-3 congregational members with financial/accounting experience is also forming. This team is for those who have experience in finance or accounting and would like to be considered for this committee.
Transition Prayer team for continuous prayer through this transition for the search committee, our future pastor and gratitude as God guides on the path of His perfect plan.
- Kingdom investment, give to continued support of Canyon Springs ministries and our future church.
Please Note: The Elder Board will identify a Nominating Team to include the Board Chair, possibly a staff member and the members of the congregation whose role is to select the Search Committee. More details to follow on the Nominating team and the Search Committee.
If you are interested in being a part of any of the transition committees, please email the elders at
With gratitude and faith,
Canyon Springs Elder Board
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