Thank You To Our Existing & New Volunteers!
Our Volunteer Signing Day was a GREAT SUCCESS! We gained 24 NEW VOLUNTEERS for our various ministries! It is incredible to witness our congregation’s commitment to serving others and jumping in to be a part of God’s plan for Canyon Springs!
Additionally, we have a 99% RETENTION RATE of EXISTING VOLUNTEERS willing to commit to another year of serving!
- Our Hospitality Team gained six new volunteers and retained 100% of its existing team.
- Our Children’s Ministry gained eight new volunteers and retained 95% of its existing team.
- Our Creative Arts gained five new volunteers and retained 100% of its existing team.
- OASIS Youth gained one new volunteer (although they gained four new volunteers this summer) and retained 100% of its existing team!
Did you miss out on volunteering for a ministry of your choice? NO PROBLEM, sign up today and join a team! VOLUNTEER AT CSC.
Thank you for supporting the work that God is doing through Canyon Springs Church.
Enjoy photos of our new volunteers and some existing volunteers who “re-upped” for an additional year!
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