Thank you Canyon Springs!

Thank you for supporting the work that God is doing through Canyon Springs Church. To keep our congregation better informed, we are providing you with quarterly updates on giving.

YTD June 2024 giving of $308K was $62K less than the $370K budget (these figures do not include the $49K given for the Transformation Initiative). About one-third of the shortfall occurred in January, which is unsurprising since December’s giving was strong.

Quarter two was a robust quarter for our church. Here are some of the highlights of what we accomplished in Quarter two of 2024:

  • VBS was one of our best yet! We hosted it in our new home and had 210 kids and 100 volunteers show up, of whom 27 accepted Jesus for the first time! 
  • We are seeing a steady uptick in attendance. I really thought we would see a summer “lull,” but we are seeing the complete opposite. 
  • We had fun Mother’s and Father’s Day celebrations at the church, where moms and dads felt honored. 
    • No-cost professional photos on Mother’s Day and Duff’s Dogs on Father’s Day
  • We kicked off our summer social events and have done a lot together! 
    • Padres Game 
    • Duff’s Dogs
    • Concert in the park
  • Oasis had its very first “One Night, which 102 students attended. Twenty students gave their lives to Jesus as they showed up as a students’ “one.”
  • We have some congregants who are pregnant, others who are having grandkids, and former Oasis students who are getting married! These are some fun seasons of life that our members are stepping into.

If you have been coming on Sundays, the church’s energy and enthusiasm towards Jesus are only getting more vibrant! I am grateful to be your Pastor. For those who give sacrificially, THANK YOU for partnering with us and worshipping God through your finances. If you have never partnered with us, I invite you to join us in giving to the work God is doing at Canyon Springs.

Money talks can be awkward at church, but they do not have to be! If you ever want to meet up to talk about giving and work through beliefs or hesitancies, I am here! I will show up judgment-free and hold a space of love for you. Email me! 

Chad Richards 
Lead Pastor
Canyon Springs Church