Well, we completed day FOUR of our VBS experience and have enjoyed watching all our campers’ creativity with their SUPER COLOR SPIRIT! We have stayed focused on our mission and have learned that God’s Truth NEVER Changes!

Before we get into all our VBS fun for the day… your kids may have come home telling you about our awesome mid-week programs that will start in the Fall. AWANA is for our kindergarten-3rd graders. It meets on Wednesday nights from 5:15-6:45 pm. The registration is typically $90 for the year but we are offering a significant discount for our VBS campers. Sign up now for just $55. Get all of the detailed information and sign up HERE!

Club 45 is for our 4th and 5th graders. It meets on Monday evenings from 6:30-8:00 pm. You can get all of the detailed information and sign up HERE
Please email [email protected] for more information or any questions you may have :)

We are THRILLED to announce that your children have raised over $1,250 for our friends in Mexico today!! At the end of the day, the girls had ONE stacks of school supplies BUT the boys pulled ahead and got THREE stacks of school supplies. It’s a close race but at the end of day 4, the girls are in the LEAD. I can’t wait to see what happens tomorrow. I have heard of lots of lemonade stands and phone calls to grandparents to try to raise money. I love these kids’ hearts 🙂

Our campers were FULL of energy today. They worked hard and had a whole LOT of fun at rotations. During craft our little groms made an ocean wheel. Rec was a blast. Those kids laugh the entire time they spend with Mr. Michael. The pies in the face are definitely a highlight. Music was a BLAST. Kids could not be more thrilled to do our “YES TO VBS” song. It’s a fan favorite and they NEVER get sick of it. We also learned our final song “Even Better!” Tomorrow we will spend the rest of the day reviewing all 5 dances. Have your kids continue to listen to the songs and memorize those words.

During story time, our campers learned that Jesus is the only way! Our story came from John 14-18. John was one of Jesus’ disciples and closest friends. John wrote an eyewitness account of Jesus’ ministry. Jesus taught that He is the only way to have eternal life. Jesus was arrested, tried unfairly, and sentenced to death. He died on a cross and was buried in a tomb. Three days later, He rose from the dead. Witnesses found the stone that sealed the tomb rolled away! Jesus appeared to many people over the next forty days before returning to heaven.

Kona Ice Truck Celebration!
We are in the HOME STRETCH and I can hardly believe we only have one day left together on our gaming adventure. As a reminder, pick up time tomorrow is still at noon. Directly following camp, we will have an end of VBS celebration with a Kona Ice Truck that you may attend with your child. We would love to have you join us. There is a suggested donation of $5-10 per family. This event is for families and a parent chaperone is required.

Sunday Church VBS & Father’s Day Celebration!
Sunday, June 16th is VBS & Father’s Day celebration at Canyon Springs! What a better way to celebrate than Duffz Dogs for dads and ALL the FUN for kids! We will watch the wrap up VBS video. Service time 9:30 am at our church – Learn more here. Have your child wear their VBS t-shirt and participate with their friends and leaders from BREAKER ROCK BEACH!

We can’t wait to see all our surfer groms tomorrow!

Your Lifeguards, Lesley & Jodie
and the rest of the Breaker Rock Beach crew