Friday, April 26th, 23 beautiful women gathered together for the Women of Canyon Springs Springtime Salad Social!  The amazingly delicious array of salads was a feast for the senses!  The food was delicious, but the real prize of the evening was the friendships that blossomed around the table!  Women may have arrived at the event as strangers, but all left as friends!

I shared from my heart on how to grow your spiritual roots. We learned how God used trees in the Bible as a metaphor for humans. Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3 encouraged us to grow our roots deep into the one and only thing that quenches our thirst: the love of God, our Living Water!

Learning to trust God won’t happen unless our minds understand that He comes to us FIRST with LOVE.  God always leads with LOVE.  Then, as we learn how to trust God more and more, we realize that trust actually produces roots anchored in the soil of God’s love!

Paul encourages us to think of what we can do individually and then supercharge it with what we can do together as a church community!

We are not on this faith walk alone!  We are in this together, linking arms!  W are helping to hold up the ones who stumble and to continue growing and reaching the hurting for Christ!

G- Go to God first

R- Request help from His unlimited resources

O- Open your eyes to His immeasurable love for you

W- Walk your faith journey in the Christian community


Joyfully His,

Julie Mountain

Women of Canyon Springs, Director

Canyon Springs Church


Check out photos from our amazing event!