Promotion Sunday!

Hey Parents! Every year at Canyon Springs, we like to recognize graduating seniors in our church service! It has been an awesome tradition where students’ OASIS leaders get to share what they have loved about being in their lives. They will also share some last-minute wisdom before they head off into the next adventure of their lives. If you would like your student to be recognized on this day, here’s what we need from you!

-Your child’s first and last name (spelled the way you want it spelled) and what their after-high school plans are

-A headshot of them for our program/bulletin

baby picture

childhood picture

1 Recent favorite photo (Something nice, could be grad pics)

These photos will be for the slide show that we show during service. If you could send these in LANDSCAPE that would be preferred. 

-Be at church on Sunday, June 9th @ 9:30 am

You can email with all of the information & photos.

Sign Up for Camp Today!

It’s finally time to register for Houseboats 2024! We are SO excited for this trip.

Houseboats is an amazing trip. We are taking the High Schoolers to Lake Mead for an unforgettable weekend of house boating on the lake. With wakeboarding, wake surfing, tubing, and much more. At night the camp calms down. We then get together for relevant messages, awesome worship, and fun games; this is a great high school camp designed for a weekend to experience God. Houseboats is an awesome trip!

Our prayers are that your student would connect with God, friends, leaders and have a camp where they can invite their non-Christian friends.

  • Date:  Sunday, July 14 – Friday, July 19st
  • Registration: Opens April 10th, 2024 @ 9:00pm
  • COST: $675 
  • Non Refundable Deposit of $350
  • All incoming 9th graders and graduating seniors welcome!


Camp Scholarships

Do you feel led to give so that more students can experience camp? We ask you to prayerfully consider donating to our Camp Scholarship fund so that as many students as possible can go on our summer trips. We never want money to be a factor in a student not attending camp. 

If You  Would Like to Donate

  • Please go to: 
  • Click the drop down and select youth camp scholarships

If You are interested in a Scholarship for Yourself/ Student

  • Please email


What’s Coming Up? Summer Schedule 2024

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