The Women of Canyon Springs gathered last Friday night for a “Sip and Shop” with The White Rainbow Project.

The ladies learned from Rachel Iacoboni, the Director of The White Rainbow Project, about the desperate situation of widows in India. If an Indian wife loses her husband, no matter the cause, cancer, car accident, or drug overdose, the wife is blamed for the death. Not only is this innocent woman blamed for the death of her husband, but she is also encouraged to commit suicide to stop the supposed spread of bad karma; her children are stripped from her, and she becomes an outcast in society, left to fend for herself. The White Rainbow Project offers the widow an opportunity to learn a trade, generate funds in her bank account, have a warm meal, and, most importantly, hear how much Jesus loves and values her in a society that says otherwise!

The Women of Canyon Springs were able to help support these dear women by purchasing their handmade items: jewelry, home goods, and clothing. Nothing brings more joy than knowing your purchase is changing the life of the woman who made it!

Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows.” Isaiah 1:17

Questions: Reach out to Julie Mountain at

Julie Mountain, Women of Canyon Springs Ministry Director

Check out photos from our amazing event!