Reality Check: Sharing the Gospel with Others

We all know that sharing the good news that Jesus offers with others is intimidating. A lot of things hold us back from it. Fear of what others may think, not feeling equipped, facing a spiritual battle ourselves. But, what are the stakes if we don’t? In this sermon series, Pastor Sekwohn will be answering some common questions students may have about the book of Revelation and how it’s not meant to be a spooky thriller novel but is a letter to Christians encouraging them to go out and share their faith with everyone around them. If your students have ever wondered what the Book of Revelation is all about, this is the series for them.

Don’t Miss Our High School Winter Camp: Winter X!

Our hope is that every student who wants to go to camp has the opportunity. If money is a factor, don’t let that stop you! Reach out to Pastor Sekwohn, and he will work with you on an as needed basis.

Every year we take our high school students to Brianhead, Utah for a great trip with skiing, snowboarding, tubing, and hiking!! With relevant messages, awesome worship, and fun games, this is a great high school camp that is designed for a weekend to experience God.

Don’t know how to snowboard or ski? That’s okay! We have some talented leaders that would love to teach you. Don’t want to learn how to snowboard or ski? No worries, the first day you can tube or go bowling and the second day we are going to hike in Zion National Park!


What’s Coming Up

  • JAN 10- OASIS 
  • JAN 17- OASIS
  • JAN 24- OASIS

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