On December 1st, 2023 almost 40 of the Women of Canyon Springs came decked out in their holiday finest to attend the 3rd Annual Christmas Dessert and Gift Exchange!  The item for this year’s gift exchange was socks.  The socks were all so different and fun. We also collected over 40 pairs of socks to be donated to our sister church in Mexico!

After nibbling on some yummy desserts and making new friends, I shared a message around the theme of the evening:  Prince of Peace.  The Biblical account of the story of the birth of Jesus is peppered with the angels giving peace to those they talk to (Mary, Joseph and the shepherds).  All these people were in the middle of some scary situations and each time, peace, was offered as a foreshadowing of the coming Prince of Peace Himself, the Messiah.  Then the prophecy is revealed in the arrival of the Baby Jesus, God incarnate, come to save the world! Jesus is still offering each one of us His peace today.

Now, the question is,  will you accept His gift to you?

Questions: Reach out to Julie Mountain at julie@canyonsprings.org

Julie Mountain, Women of Canyon Springs Ministry Director

Check out photos from our amazing event!