Calling ALL Parents for our OASIS Parent Meeting
Pastor Sekwohn will be having an OASIS Parent meetings for all parents of Middle School and High School Ministries. We will discuss his vision for the 2023-2024 school year, message series, and Winter Camp. Please Click the link below to RSVP.
When: Tuesday, October 17th from 6:00pm-7:00pm
Where: Canyon Springs Church. (Upstairs Youth Room)
New Sermon Series: Keep Your Streak (The Importance of Reading The Word Daily)
Keep Your Streak is a creative 5-week series about the importance of consistency. Students love to keep their Snapchat streak going for 100. 300, even 500 days. But what if we treated reading our Bibles the same way? God’s word is better than social media streaks. It says that it’s like food, spiritual food for our souls! Not only will Pastor Sekwohn talk about the importance of reading our Bibles daily, but he will also teach us HOW. If your student has ever asked the question “But HOW do I read the Bible?” or said, “The Bible is just so confusing” this sermon series is for them!
Save the Date for City Search: 10/25/2023
OASIS Parent Volunteers Needed
We are looking for parents who would love to be involved in OASIS this year. If you have been looking for a ways to be more involved in OASIS but can’t make the full commitment to be a small group leader we have some great opprotunities for you and the commitment time is only on Wednesdays from 7:15-7:45. Some of the volunteer opportunities include:
Safety Team: We need a team of parents willing to walk around the building and ensure student safety at all times
Parking: We would need someone to ensure students safety as they enter and exit the building.
Snack Bar: We would love to utilize the amazing cafe we have access to in our new space by having a full functional snack bar.
Please reach out to if you are interested or would like some more details.
Sunday Morning Volunteers Needed!
Here at Canyon Springs we believe that students are not just the future of the church but they are the church RIGHT NOW! We really value our High School Students being able to start using their gifts to serve the local church as EARLY as High School. Here are some amazing ways that students can help Serve on Sunday Mornings. Again, we suggest signing up to volunteer at the 8:30 hour and then attending church at 10:00.
Toddler Room: Do you love hanging out with babies and toddlers? Do you have a servants heart and love comforting and playing with little ones? Maybe you have a teaching gift and would love to read our little ones a story and lead a craft. If any of this sounds like you, you would be the perfect fir for the toddler-kindergarten room! Follow the link below if you would like to volunteer.
Children’s Sunday School: If Elementary age (1st-5th grade) is more your jam this would be the place for you. The students do a little bit more than just play here. They have a longer Bible Lesson and game time. These students are really looking for older students they can look up to and relate to. If you love this age group, follow the link below to sign up.
Tech Team: Does technology come really easily to you? Do you have a knack for learning new systems and really quickly? Are you a problem solver and can think on the fly to find solution to a music or technical problem? If so this is for you! Follow the link below to sign up.
Greeting/ Hospitality: Greeting is actually such a huge part of Sunday Morning. Imagine being new to Canyon Springs and how overwhelmed you might feel. You might think you need to be overly extraverted for this position but that’s actually not the case. All you need is to be kind and helpful. Helping new people find the right place to go for the bathrooms and children’s. another part of hospitality would be helping to set up the cafe with Darlene and Blake.
Worship Team: Last but not least if you have a musical gift and desire to be on the worship team on Sundays in any capacity. Reach out to Sekwohn and he would love to lead you in the next steps to het connected to our new Worship Pastor Dalton.
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