Calling ALL Parents for our OASIS Parent Meeting

Pastor Sekwohn will be having an OASIS Parent meetings for all parents of Middle School and High School Ministries. We will discuss his vision for the 2023-2024 school year, message series, and Winter Camp. Please Click the link below to RSVP.

When: Tuesday, October 17th from 6:00pm-7:00pm

Where: Canyon Springs Church. (Upstairs Youth Room)

Join Us for Week 4 of Our New Sermon Series: I Love My City 

No matter where we live, all of us are where we are so we can make a difference for the Kingdom of God. This four-week series empowers students to put their faith in action and truly love their city. Each week examines a different way Jesus loved those around Him, and how we can do the same in our own daily lives, truly bringing the Kingdom of God to earth.

Middle School Sunday Morning Service

We will be offering Middle School Sunday Morning Service for the first hour 8:30-9:30 every weekend. The students will meet in the brand new youth room upstairs, We will have a time of worship, games, and an bible study lead by Sekwohn. Come and hang out with us and bring a friend to tag along!  

OASIS Parent Volunteers 


We are looking for parents who would love to be involved in OASIS this year. If you have been looking for a ways to be more involved in OASIS but can’t make the full commitment to be a small group leader we have some great opprotunities for you and the commitment time is only on Thursdays from 6:45-7:15. Some of the volunteer opportunities include: 

Safety Team: We need a team of parents willing to walk around the building and ensure student safety at all times 

Parking: We would need someone to ensure students safety as they enter and exit the building. 

Snack Bar: We would love to utilize the amazing cafe we have access to in our new space by having a full functional snack bar. 

Please reach out to if you are interested or would like some more details. 

What’s Coming Up

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